Well, I wonder if Claudia ever made it in the IT field....
My answer to her today would be... NO!
hi, i was wondering how many, if any, of you work with computers?
im thinking of going to school for pc networking and want to know if this is a wise choice.
hello all, i'm looking for some expert(s) on philosophy, specifically ancient philosophy.
the short story is that i don't want to raise children within a specific religion, but i'd still like to raise them with a philosophical underpinning for the important ways to live life.
i've been looking at some ancient philosophical systems that encompass my core beliefs.
i gotta tell you.....it hurts....bad!.........one kid could never do it ever....one can't seem to stop......i recently told him "showing your sorry is way more important that saying it again".....it just sucks...........oompa.
i am not so sure which one should i choose?.
hello all, i'm looking for some expert(s) on philosophy, specifically ancient philosophy.
the short story is that i don't want to raise children within a specific religion, but i'd still like to raise them with a philosophical underpinning for the important ways to live life.
i've been looking at some ancient philosophical systems that encompass my core beliefs.
Thanks everyone, I had forgotten about Kant. I remember thinking highly of his categorical imperative: "No one is a means to an end, but an end in and of himself." Or something like that. I took a philsophy survey class in undergrad, but I don't remember all the specifics. I need to buy myself a philsophy book to get a wider view of the options.
hello all, i'm looking for some expert(s) on philosophy, specifically ancient philosophy.
the short story is that i don't want to raise children within a specific religion, but i'd still like to raise them with a philosophical underpinning for the important ways to live life.
i've been looking at some ancient philosophical systems that encompass my core beliefs.
Hello all, I'm looking for some expert(s) on philosophy, specifically ancient philosophy. The short story is that I don't want to raise children within a specific religion, but I'd still like to raise them with a philosophical underpinning for the important ways to live life. I've been looking at some ancient philosophical systems that encompass my core beliefs. Specifically I've been considering Stoicism as fairly well-founded and rounded. I think the most important issues I want to emphasize in any philosophical system are individuality, respect for others (regardless of social status, race, sexual orientation, etc), but also a strong sense of right and wrong with a reasoned system for determining what is right and wrong. I'm not interested in views of right and wrong that involve a deity's arbitrary determinations, but reasoned philosophical underpinnings, such as why harming others is wrong, why stealing is wrong, etc.
Can anyone offer any assistance or places to look for finding the right philosopher for me?
there's a 19-year old in the family (non-jw) who got his 16-year old girlfriend pregnant.
from what i can tell, that could be considered criminal sexual abuse in illinois with a potential sentence of up to a year in prison.. anybody know anything about this?
especially in illinois?.
Looks like age of consent in Illinois is 17, so he technically committed statutory rape. I would contact an attorney just to get a professional opinion on the likelyhood of any enforcement. I would guess that if there is no complaint to the authorities, then it is unlikley that anything would come of it.
i was thinking about this the other day.
the case for evolution is pretty much sewed up.
even the evangelicals are only arguing the semantics anymore, most intelligent people take the case that evolution happened in some way.
LeavingWT - while that story is touching, I can't help but think about the millions of children who were slaughtered by Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia. Being stripped naked, shivering with cold and fear in the winter of Poland, and forced into rooms where they suffocated their last breath inhaling a toxic substance. Or standing in front of a pit and being gunned down while their parents watched or even stood next to them. Those who froze to death due to Stalin's farm collectivization. Or those burned to death in the air raids of World War II. Children just as precious as in that story you linked to. Where was god then?