I'm talking of sea pirates.
How Should We Deal With "Pirates"?
by minimus 116 Replies latest jw friends
Make them walk the plank.
Something HAS to be done to curtail their activity!
I don't understand why those crews aren't armed. They should be trained and have M16s.
The way I understand it....
Those crews don't have weapons because of the rules/laws at the ports they enter.
It doesn't make any sense to me, either.
The crew should be armed.
Don't be discouraged, minimus. FSM will have his Day of Reckoning soon, when all apostafarians bringing reproach to His Name will be dealt with.
The Somalians aren't that backward after all.
I don't understand why those crews aren't armed. They should be trained and have M16s.
I've thought of that...but might that not lead to an "arms race"?
Crew gets M16s...pirates get 50 caliber machine guns....crew gets RPGs....pirates get artillery....
Is it better to have open fights between heavily armed ships in the high seas, or try to keep a lid on things as they are now? I don't know.
As things currently are, few people have died in these pirate attacks. Once fighting starts, it gets a lot deadlier a lot quicker.
Around 200 years ago, the US sent war ships to the Barbery coast area and sunk pirate ships. The pirates got the message, and thereafter American vessels were left alone for 200 years ... except for a period just before and during WWII when German U-boats sank American merchant marine supply ships and then that nasty little seizing of the US Navy Ship, Pueblo by North Korea.
In all cases, when America reacts with calm and tries to talk ... these rascals take advantage ... and push to the limit. When America takes strong and swift military action, the bad guys tend to leave her alone. The Obama administration is being tested to see if it has a spine, or simply wants to talk, and talk, and talk. Time will tell.
Do we see a pattern here? What do you think Minimus?