Sorry Cofty for butchering your handle. But seeing your comments in other topics, I guess your assertion on the English language forsakes you to. However, it seems as an excommunicated witness (DF), you have forgotten social grace and proper etiquette to interact with certain people, but I do understand your bitterness and hatred.
Then you have just answered your own conundrum from creation to evolution. Both views are arbitrary.
That premise has one principle, point of origin. To creationist it starts with human life. Does that mean that the universe didn’t have more time of existence before 6000 years, of course not? That’s the fallacy of not understanding the construct as a whole. That assertion is based on the biblical text found in 2 Peter 2:8 the context of Christ Judgment. However that only applies to when man became imperfect not before when he roamed in the Garden of Eden. An endless amount of time could have passed because time had no relevancy. Another hypothesis can be argued, while God’s creation dwelled it that garden, the rest of the earth was inhabited by let’s say dinosaurs which man was impervious to. Farfetched, not really. The lack of understanding of biblical accounts attest to that. The biblical creation of Genesis started with vegetation on the third day. Genesis 1:11-13, Creation of creatures started on the fifth day Genesis 1:20, here is the hypothesis, evidence does not show how long in-between that time to the time God’s further creations started, passed. The next creation was wild animals and domestic, flying creatures (birds) and creeping animals. No time conclusion. Certain of creation could have already be recycled if they had become destructive in the eyes of their creator. The last of Creation was Man which happened toward the end of the fifth day to start the six Genesis 1:26-31. The other mistake is to think the animal kingdom was formed to be carnivorous. Genesis 1: 29 attest to that. While the bible doesn’t describe the animal kingdom being perfect? It does relate how man was to keep them subjection and subdue the earth. That happened after man sinned and an animal was used as a pawn. So just like man adapted, so did the animal kingdom. The animal kingdom the necessity to feed on each other due to the lack of food. The diseases and other horrific acts introduced to the animal kingdom is man-made. So man needs to take responsibility for ALL the destructive nature it has done and made, and not God.
Evolution is at best a predication based on hypnosis, conjecture, and theories. All that can be discovered cannot be explained by mere conclusions man has made through computation. The point of origin for evolution was the big bang theory, now that is being challenged. Now science speculate there was no big bang, the universe just was. A similar proposition made from creationist about God. Evolution expresses how man evolved to its present state. You would think with that intelligent design man would not be as destructive as it has been, due to learning from their mistakes. Evolution by natural selection. Science therefore has not explained cloning that is man-made. Evolutionist make many attempts to minimize the lack of true facts it actually has, and finds a need to attack those with sound hypothesis.
Unthinkable as it may be, humanity, every last person, could someday be wiped from the face of the Earth. We have learned to worry about asteroids and super volcanoes, but the more-likely scenario, according to Nick Bostrom, a professor of philosophy at Oxford, is that we humans will destroy ourselves. The Pauli exclusion principle
I much rather have faith in an invisible entity than leave it up to man that is slowly killing this planet that won’t have the ability to regenerate itself with all the contamination, plus many important facts on biblical events have been confirmed through archeology.