JoinedTopics Started by ChristianObserver
Exposé on Jehovah's Witnesses
by ChristianObserver infor anyone interested, i have just noticed the addition of an expos on jehovah's witnesses under new items at .
it is by erich and jean grieshaber.
Toughening of child abuse laws - UK
by ChristianObserver inas reported on aol news - thought this might be of interest:.
home secretary david blunkett has announced "an historic change" of the gay sex laws.. it is the most radical overhaul of sex crime legislation for more than 100 years.. offences like buggery, gross indecency and soliciting by men will be binned while protections against rapists, paedophiles and other perverts will be tightened.. defendants accused of rape will have to be able to show they took "reasonable action" to ensure the other person consented to sex.. a new offence of "grooming" children for sex abuse - previously thought to be planned only for adults who lure youngsters on the internet - will be applied to every aspect of life and have a maximum five year penalty.. laws on child abuse will be updated, the sex offenders register will be tightened and there will be entirely new offences to combat sexual exploitation of children and adults.. mr blunkett said: "the law on sex offences is widely recognised as archaic, incoherent and discriminatory.. "much of it belongs in an age before the light bulb or motor car yet we now live in a world of global communications, with children two clicks away from internet porn sites generated by a multi-million pound sex industry.. "we must have laws that are fit for the 21st century, that reflect today's society and attitudes and provide effective protection against today's crimes.".
the home office paper said the so-called gay "cottaging" offences, which date from 1956, will be repealed because they "criminalise consensual sexual activity in private between men, which would not be illegal between heterosexuals or between women".
AJWRB - Mary's son - JW msg/b response
by ChristianObserver ini was stunned to read the following response by a jehovah's witness to the story carried by ajwrb (linked on the home page of the death of a 15 year old lad detailing his mother's questioning of the wtbts blood doctrine.
the response was posted on a public message board on aol - christianity - topic suggestions.. .
*subject: re: would you use a medical treatment that would 100% sort out a >condition you had, if that medical treatment ........ date: 20/09/2002 15:05 gmt standard time.
Invisible return of Christ - ???
by ChristianObserver ini have heard this mentioned before, but wondered if anyone could enlighten me about this - please?.
what exactly do jehovah's witnesses believe about the return of christ - do they believe that it was an invisible return and if so, when - and has this belief changed at all?.
any links to relevant publications and quotes would be much appreciated - or links to where this has been discussed previously :o).
Child Abuse - programme on in UK now
by ChristianObserver in.
anyone in the uk - channel 2 now - our little secret about child abuse.
sounds as though it is going to be horrific though :'o(
JW response to 23,720
by ChristianObserver infound this posted and thought it should be brought to the attention of members ......... "from: [email protected] .
i have since had a chance to look into this matter.
the numbers are way off beam and appear to have been exaggerated by someone.
Paedophile register
by ChristianObserver inthe following has been posted on the aol christianity board under topic suggestions.. comment >>what about the register of over 23,000 paedophiles kept at brooklyn?
seems there is a protection of criminals going on!.
response from a uk poster which has stopped any further discussion >if it is public knowledge that there is a such a register, then it would be simple for the legal authorities to obtain a copy of the register.>.
Two witnesses v false witness
by ChristianObserver in"no single witness should rise up against a man respecting any error or any sin, in the case of any sin that he may commit.
at the mouth of two witnesses or at the mouth of three witnesses the matter should stand good.
the wtbts pleads in defence of its policy for paedophile cases that 2 witnesses are required in accordance with deuteronomy 19 v 15. what they fail to grasp is the significance of verse 16 onwards.
The Governing Body
by ChristianObserver ina *gem* from the aol christianity message board.. any thoughts?.
>subject: re: a strange conversation.... date: 10/07/2002 14:32 gmt standard time.
from: [email protected] .
Bloodless Operations - AOL posting
by ChristianObserver ini just found this posted on the christianity board of aol in *topic suggestions* and post it below for anyone interested in the matter or for any aol member who might wish to respond on that board.
no source was indicated, but the unusaul spacing in parts of the original posting which i have sought to rectify here, would imply an organisational cd or publication.. .
subject: re: bloodless operations.