As far as I know, his parents had converted into the religion at some point. I don't know if it was before he was born or if it was after, and he doesn't know either. I know he is scared, as am I. His brother and sister have both married other Jehovahs Witnnesses, which makes the situation worse. He has revieled to me that he doesn't get along with a good amount of his extended family, and they I believe are still Catholic. The majority of his friends are Jehovahs Witnesses as well. Yet the ones that are not, I have been introduced to, although they are far few less than those that I have a feeling are. I thought something was weird when I accidentally left something for my hair at his apartment, and he hid them when the guys were coming over. And the only one of these guys that I accidentally met momentarilly when I first met my boyfriend, gave me the dirtiest look. And that would explain why he wouldn't want any of those friends knowing about me.
The thing I don't understand is that he is very touchy in public... we hold hands, he tries to sneak a kiss as often as possible, etc, etc, etc. If there are so many with his beliefs out there (yet he supposably knows a lot of them) how or why would he do this? That possibly could see him acting wrong with a worldly person.
I am not going to tell him to leave, I just want him to admit to his family that I exist and face reality. I know that if they know about me he would be persecuted in his community. And how his family will disaprove and make him the black sheep of the family so to speak. This is going to have to come out, and I really want him to come clean and admit his feelings to his family. I am going to be his wife and it isn't going to go away that I am worldly.
And as to converting and him leaving, if he had actually finished those statements I would totally understand. Since he didn't that is what makes me so nuts about all of this. And I am too scared to bring it up. I have seen him ever day this weekend and tried and tried, but I just couldn't get up the nerve. He could tell that there was something bothering me and I just couldn't let it out. I let him know that it bothered me that I can't just call up his mother and asked her how to prepare his favorite dishes. I want to be able to bond with her and I can't.