I do respect him and his beliefs, I don't put down anyone for what they follow. I have many friends that follow religions that are different than mine and I respect all of what they need to follow (If I can keep Kosher for my Orthodox Jewish friends, I can respect this). I think everyone should follow a religion, if they believe in it. Religion is the basis for how one acts, respects others and how they fit in society.
If you were referring to my comment about turing off the TV program, you read it out of context. That is what I would have thought he would respond to me if I turned it off on my own. Once I realized what was on, I really didn't know what to do. I just thought it was hilarious after the fact. It was just a coincidence that it was on at that moment and his reaction wasn't what I expected.
I am just annoyed with the fact that he doesn't share anything with me and does infact live two separate lives. He needs to find out a way to merge them into one, and very soon. This will directly effect me in the future and this is what bothers me. We do love eachother very much and I don't want to be without him. It is just very hard for me to deal with, since he doesn't open up to me and puts me in the dark. This is the only thing that I disrespect him for, because he was not honest with me and that really hurts.
I really don't want to lose him, I want to understand him. I want to make this work and that is why I came here, to get answers to my questions that he won't or can't answer. I really am starting to understand why he did what he did, I don't agree with it, but I see what his point is.
I never asked him to drop the religion, and with the same respect I told him that I will never drop mine. This made me realize that I can't live without what I grew up believing and I don't think he can either. I wouldn't expect him to, and I know that it will always be a part of him no matter what happens.
And for the books... I will read whatever is the best sources to find the answers. I looked up the books that you had previously referred to and I couldn't find any of them on my own. Although, I was able to read the pamphlet on the watchtower site. I just feel very weird asking him for them myself.
Thanks again,