My previous post can be found if you open it up show all topics, instead of ones from the last week or so, or by clicking on the little thing next to my name that looks like it is a few pages stacked upon eachother. It is under Interfaith Relationship.
I do know that there is specialized testing if you are looking for your blood type, and I have my blood tested all the time due to my job as a health care professional. Also for other health reasons, because of my degree my MD often lets me look at the results and it is right on top, what my Type is... I don't know if this is always done at every doctors office, but I see it often enough and I see it on my patients charts on a regular basis that I assumed that this is a normal occurance.
I am here to get all the info that I can and I do take what I am given to better my knowlege... I am sorry if my writing doesn't sound that way, but I try to answer everything that is asked in the posts. And I really do want to hear what you have to say, it is very important to me.
By the way that he acts, I can't see how he is an active JW... that is what doesn't make sense to me. He brakes all the rules and I don't think that is right. And especially since he brakes them, even more so that his parents should know about me, and he should drop this false image that he has created by being such a good JW when he is not.
I have told him that I will not convert, and even moreso that I am raising my daughter Catholic. It would be too confusing to her, and would be horrible to deny her all that she has come to know as a normal life.
I am not looking to bring in another kiddie right now, I am thinking earliest in another 4 years... I want to finish my education and there is no way I can do that if I get pregnant again. I just posed the question because it came up in our converstation about our future and I asked him what his blood type was and he didn't know, and he has no desire to find out. I just wanted to know if this is a common practice.
With my daughters father, I got pregnant at the age of 17. Sex was pushed on me... he was 2 years older than I, had massive family problems, drank, cheated on me, was a pathological liar, couldn't hold a job, stole from me, etc. it was a very disturbing relationship. Unfortunately, I found out all of his problems after I got pregnant. I was very glad to get out of when I did...
I am very glad to find such a wonderful man as I have found in my boyfriend. He is everything that I have every wanted, and has been a great support for me. I really don't know what I would do without him. I have no intention on leaving him, and we have a wonderful relationship otherwise. I know this will cause us some major problems in the future. I am willing to coexist, but who knows what will be pushed on him by others and that is what I am scared to find out. And that is his problem, he is very scared and doesn't know what is going to happen. I just hope that because of his love for me, that he will find in his heart what caused to drift away in the first place when we became involved. It would probably be better in the long run.
Reality has set in for me, and that is why I am looking for help, and I do greatly respect all that has been given to me by all those that have posted replies.
Thanks Again,