I have never seen Green Beer??? They make green bagels around here and I find it strange... I can't get myself to eat them...
JoinedPosts by Christina77
by QUEENIE into us here is st. paddys day 3/17 and easter 3/31 which i want to wish u all the happiest of them all!!!!
p e a c e lov ya ((((((((loads of hugs too)))))))
morning after pill, who's heard of it?
by peaceloveharmony ininteresting article about this.
one thing that surprised me was that people confuse morning after pills with ru-486 (or the abortion pill) which it is not.
as this is my local paper, the stats are all about minnesota and south dakota :) .
Dazed and Confused...
Yes I did read the entire thread before I posted and I do know what the difference is!!! HELLO!!! you need to be a little more understanding and not so bitter... Condom broke... if pill existed I would have gotten it and taken it!!! you need to read things a little better before you harrass someone for their post!!! And I do think that it was a wonderful invention for those that did not plan to get pregnant used controception and then something went wrong... I would not agree that this was an abortion pill, and would not use it as such... but if it happens again then I would use it... I am glad that the FDA is approving more alternatives for women... and not have to go through with an unwanted pregnancy because the man didn't buy a good enough condom or notice that he wasn't covered anymore!!!
morning after pill, who's heard of it?
by peaceloveharmony ininteresting article about this.
one thing that surprised me was that people confuse morning after pills with ru-486 (or the abortion pill) which it is not.
as this is my local paper, the stats are all about minnesota and south dakota :) .
Yes, I have heard of it... and I think it is a really good idea for any woman that is sexually active to have it in her medicine cabinet... If it is availible, then why not... my daughter unfortunately was the product of an un-planned pregnancy... and if this pill was around then things would be very different then they are today... I love my daughter, so don't get me wrong... but having her at 18 was tough... and especially it should be on hand when the MD isn't around for a couple of days... makes it less of a hastle...
Who makes the moves???
by Christina77 ini am just curious as to who initiates sex in your relationships... is it the male or the female most of the time... or is it about an equal amount???
and is it a different view between those involved???
so how do each individuals do it, to show the other that they want it???
Don't get me wrong... I absolutely love sex and especially with him... but I feel that the majority of the time it is like a mutual action started by kissing and then moving on to other things... but he seems to rush through all that and wants to jump right into it, when I want to wait a little longer... I guess men don't think about it unless we come in the door and say to them "DO ME NOW!!!" then they will get the hint... and he just wants me to rip his clothes off... this is why there is so many differences between the sexes... it is just too complicated... I do tell him that I love him and express my feelings in other ways... but when he tells me that we won't have sex tonight unless you initiate it.... and I think that is wrong... I have always felt that it has been mutual with our relationship... and when I do make it a point to initiate it, oh it is a bad time I want to watch the game or this or that show or I am working on my computer.... etc etc etc. if he wants sex at his convenience then he shouldn't complain about when I want it... if I only saw him every once in a while then I could see his point about initiating... but I see him at least 3 times a week and we have sex every single time no matter what, and this hasn't changed since the beginning of our relationship... we both know it is going to happen when either one of us starts kissing the other... and usually I start that... if I didn't want to have sex with him I would have told him so, but it just annoys me that he comes up with these things... he should be glad that he has a woman that satisfies him and wants sex just as often as he does...
Who makes the moves???
by Christina77 ini am just curious as to who initiates sex in your relationships... is it the male or the female most of the time... or is it about an equal amount???
and is it a different view between those involved???
so how do each individuals do it, to show the other that they want it???
hehehe... good idea... but foreplay isn't the problem... he makes sure that I am ready that way... but he just rushes getting in there... maybe I just want to stay on the couch for a little while and enjoy his company a little while longer before getting naked... yet he also thinks that I should get naked as soon as I walk in the door... no way!!! I want to talk first and then get comfy, and think about sex after spending some quality time together first... otherwise we are very sexually compatible... he does a very good job at pleasuring me... and we have not had a problem until now... we have been having sex for almost 2 years and all of a sudden he brings this up... I could never imagine that there was any problem... who cares who initiates as long as the other reciprocates and it happens... right?
Who makes the moves???
by Christina77 ini am just curious as to who initiates sex in your relationships... is it the male or the female most of the time... or is it about an equal amount???
and is it a different view between those involved???
so how do each individuals do it, to show the other that they want it???
Yes COMF... it does happen a lot on its own... yet because he is the one that gets up to direct me into the bedroom... I may not be ready at that point to jump into bed, that I want to enjoy what we are doing more on the couch.... and then move to the bedroom... he gets annoyed... and told me that I stuck my foot in my mouth and don't initiate sex enought that he wants to feel wanted more by me initiating... He is getting sex, so I don't know what he is complaining about... if he wasn't then he would have something to complain about... thanks
Who makes the moves???
by Christina77 ini am just curious as to who initiates sex in your relationships... is it the male or the female most of the time... or is it about an equal amount???
and is it a different view between those involved???
so how do each individuals do it, to show the other that they want it???
I am just curious as to who initiates sex in your relationships... is it the male or the female most of the time... or is it about an equal amount??? And is it a different view between those involved??? So how do each individuals do it, to show the other that they want it??? for example: I kiss my boyfriends neck while he is sitting in a chair reading his e-mail... I kiss him just because I want to kiss him, he thinks I am initiating sex... I think whoever starts ripping the other ones clothes off or who drags who into the bedroom is initiating... big difference... I just want to see others views on the subject... the battle of the bedroom...
I actually got into a fight with him on this subject since he doesn't think I initiate enough... needless to say we do it every single time we see eachother, and are both in tune with eachothers feelings to get it on!!!
Toilet Seat Up Or Down??????
by ladonna inwe have no problems in our relationship about the toilet seat.
but others seem to make a big deal as to whether the guy should leave it down for us ladies.. what's your take on this?
take into account ladies that if a man puts it down, and we leave it down, he has to always be putting it up.
He should be a gentleman and put the seat down... I have been working on my boyfriend with this one... if he knows that I am coming over he puts it down, but if I am not there he leaves it up... if I find it up, he will know about it since I let it fall down and he definitely hears it slam down and appologises... he says that I shouldn't have to worry about this if I didn't wait till the last minute to use the bathroom!!! but I still ask him to put the seat down...
JW men - wordly women
by larc infolks,.
over the past several months, i have read some heart breaking stories from women who come here, who have been involved with jw men.
now, this leads me to ask.
Hi LARC!!!!
I just want to let you know that I enjoyed this post... I feel the love from you already, especially from the posts of mine that you have answered!!! But I just want to let you know that I forgive you...
Yes I love the fact that I am a worldly woman!!!! and the fact that I have corrupted my boyfriend, yet I am his 3rd worldly woman!!!! So I guess you would have to talk to him about why he chose to do what he does with me... and I did mention to him what Frency brought up about Paradise... I asked him flat out how he could get involved with me and ruin that for himself and if we do get married how he can deal with not having me and his family there!!! I think he would be bored with a JW woman... they would probably think he is a freak for what he has learned by being with me and be scared and run right to the elders!!!
And he should be afraid to have me at his KH... for fear that I might tell someone about our little lifestyle!!! When he told me about his beliefs, he asked me not to tell his parents that we are having sex... I thought that was absolutely hysterical... I wanted to know if they would ask me if we were having relations... and I told him that I wouldn't lie to them... so it should be fun!!!
oh and by the way... I still don't like that word that you use... you need to find and equal word for them... because they know what they are doing and are corrupting themselves... but as usual it is ok for men to sleep around before marriage and the woman gets blamed for it every time!!!
anyway too much for now, will talk more later
love as always
Christina -
I read the personals for fun every once in a while, but I would never consider posting one or responding to one... I did meet my boyfriend on-line, thanks to the profiles that AOL has... I was bored one night and was just reading ones from the single men in my county, and his I just couldn't resist... I had never im'd someone like that before but if I didn't I would never know... his was just so different and quoted something that not too many people know about!!! We chatted for 6 months before I met him and that was 2 years ago, and we have been dating ever since. He is a really great guy and we will soon be getting engaged... I have never been happier with any other man in my life... thank god I got up the guts to send that IM...