You know what the dork tried to enforce in all the halls he was assigned to? After the closing song and prayer on Sundays, everyone had to sit while they had a Field Service demonstration for the next 5 minutes in a vain attempt to try and get everyone to go out in Service Sunday afternoons.......this was infuriating as we always went overtime on the WT study anyway and this new brain storming idea lasted only about 3 months. They realized it wasn't working when several people simply refused to remain in their seats after the closing prayer and simply headed out the doors...That's funny. In the Olympia congregation there was a completely by the book elder named Bud. A more straight laced guy you could not find; however, at the end of book study he had a publisher demonstrate a presentation to help everyone to be prepared for service, after which he asked for a volunteer for next week. I noticed this came to an immediate end right after the CO visited the book study group. Probably something to do with adding to the slave's arrangement.
JoinedPosts by ChrisVance
Bookstudy Group Disbanded......haha
by Mary ini just got word that the bookstudy attendance in one of the groups at my hall has dwindled off to numbers so pitiful that they're dissolving this particular bookstudy group and splitting up the remainder and shipping them out to other bookstudy groups.
20 years ago..a talk concerning field service..sisters crying..eyes opened
by confusedjw inwell i can't recall now which public talks it was - one of my first - and it dealt with field service / preaching.
so i thought i would interview several people in the congregation about service and their thoughts and feelings on the subject, expecting something very different than what i got.
to my shock (i was an over zealous young buck who thought the sun rose and set on the wt) three sisters burst into tears as they told about their feelings of inadequacy and guilt over field service.
Although I was a faithful MS trying to do my best, I hated going door to door. For me it was pretty say hello, oh you're not interested, bye. One time in the mid 80's at the meeting for service the CO said, "If you don't enjoy field service, somethings is wrong." That really stuck in my head. I tried discussing it with a few others, but they didn't want to talk about it. It added guilt to the mountain of guilt I already had and helped me to see the futility of the whole thing. Talk you brother ?????. Can't remember his name.
I just turned in my master's thesis
by ChrisVance inafter working on it for a year.
now the judicial comittee thesis committee has two weeks to decide if it's good enough.
if not i don't graduate until they say it's good enough.
Thanks everyone. That hour massage sounds wonderful.
"Would You Agree With Me That Satan The Devil Is A BASTARD?"
by minimus inthat question was asked by an elderly brother who pioneered and he was a little senile too----he'd ask every person in the hall.
it didn't matter whether they were elders, pioneers, old ones, young ones, new ones----everyone!
he would even incorporate that question in his comments at the meetings!.......good question that no one seemed to want to answer.
Nothing more than an imaginary bastard.
I just turned in my master's thesis
by ChrisVance inafter working on it for a year.
now the judicial comittee thesis committee has two weeks to decide if it's good enough.
if not i don't graduate until they say it's good enough.
This is just my master's thesis. When I do my doctorate I'll keep your idea in mind. Wait, I'm too old to do a doctorate; I'm 55.
Christopher, of the doesn't believe it's never too late class.
I just turned in my master's thesis
by ChrisVance inafter working on it for a year.
now the judicial comittee thesis committee has two weeks to decide if it's good enough.
if not i don't graduate until they say it's good enough.
Thanks everyone. The theme of my these is literacy in the Mexican family.
LittleToe. I think "good luck" is a harmless superstition. I suppose prayer is also if not abused.
WHY DO YOU INSIST on clinging to the Bible as anything other than fiction?
by Terry inhave you made the same effort investigating the history of how scripture was written down, compiled, redacted and selected as you did reinforcing your jw doctrines week after week at the kingdom hall?.
if you have; then you know it cannot be factual.. there have always been agendas.
the people with the agendas needed to wield power and using an invisible backup agent was a great device for controlling others.. somebody is always insisting they have an invisible and mysterious source of divine information and selling it like hotcakes and syrup.
Have you made the same effort investigating the history of how scripture was written down, compiled, redacted and selected as you did reinforcing your JW doctrines week after week at the Kingdom Hall?
Nope. I didn't investigate one bit. I just quit going to church (meetings) and the brainwashing gradually washed away.
I just turned in my master's thesis
by ChrisVance inafter working on it for a year.
now the judicial comittee thesis committee has two weeks to decide if it's good enough.
if not i don't graduate until they say it's good enough.
after working on it for a year. Now the
judicial comitteethesis committee has two weeks to decide if it's good enough. If not I don't graduate until they say it's good enough. Please, don't pray for me, but good thoughts are appreciated. -
Can you be disfellowshipped for taking a yoga class?
by TweetieBird ini was just wondering since i've started taking a yoga class.
not that i would mind being df'd but not ready to lose the family.
i lost my wt library cd so i don't have access to the society's stand on yoga.
In the fifties there was an article in the ASLEEP. "Is yoga for Christians" I didn't read it, but I'm sure it said that it was bad. The dubs didn't invent it afterall.
More fun with witness urban myths.....
by integ ini have heard many urban myths associated with the watchtower society and its hapless adherents.
i like the one where an "interested one" accepted the invitation to attend the memorial one year, and sat next to a "sister" who let the confused attendee use her bible to look up scriptures as they were presented.
afterword, the "sister" walked the man up to the circuit overseer, who had delivered the talk that year, and introduced the dupe-filled "study" to the co. the co complimented the man on his spiritual interest and asked what impelled him to come up and talk to him.
Then there's the one about the CO and his wife who were crossing a mountain pass pulling there travel trailer. There was a blizzard and it was night. The snow got so deep they had to stop. They tried to backup a little to pull off the road but hit what seemed like the side of the mountain. They spent the night in their trailer and when they got up the next morning, lo and behold, the were parked on the edge of a cliff. If hover's angel hadn't stopped them they would have backed over the cliff. True story.