lurking1, Thanks for sharing your story. I can relate. My dad was killed when I was a year old. My mother did the same with me. I slept with her until the shame got to be too great.
JoinedPosts by ChrisVance
Parent sleeping with teenagers
by Fatfreek inan ex brother and i were talking recently and he recounted a bizarre story.
he too left the witneys some years ago, got a divorce, and the two children (both boys) decided to stay with his wife since she was still a jw.. one of his boys (never baptized a jw) confided in him not long ago about the sleeping arrangements after he left.
she told the boys that she was feeling depressed and lonely because of the divorce and turmoil that their apostate father had caused her and asked them (ages 15 and 16) to each alternate and sleep with her every other night.. it took lots of courage for this son to talk to his father about it since he wanted it off his chest.
Service Meeting week of August 1, 2005
by TheListener insong 187.
15 min: local announcements.
remind publishers to turn in field service reports for july.
Is this for those who dropped out of Primary school,
No, It's for those who dropped out of pioneer school!
Did you know you were being deceptive at the doors?
by truthseeker ini was recently out with a sister on the ministry; she was talking to some security guard.. she has been witnessing to him, on and off for a few weeks.. before she leaves, she gives him a question to "think about" and tells him "she'll be back next week" to give him the answer.. this security guard reads the bible at work.
the sister was talking about the resurrection hope.. she says, "did you know the bible promises that we can see our dead loved ones again?".
she finishes by saying, "next week, we'll discuss what god requires of us in order to realize that hope.".
Yes, what you're saying always bothered me. I thought we should be telling what we really believed; that is, if you don't become a dub you're dead.
What's Your Status? Christian, Pagan, "I Don't Know", "I Don't Care"??
by minimus injust curious......
Atheist. While going from door to door many years ago an atheist got me to thinking. When I finally left the dubs, I remembered the discussion with the atheist and was "converted."
Did you ever use these?
by Bumble Bee ini was cleaning out a closet today and came across some book bags.
when i went through them i found one of those bic pens that has the four different colours of ink, red, black, green and blue.
i used to use them to mark my wt different colours for the a and b portion of the answers etc.. anyone else use these?.
I tried them, but I found it easier to write A and B in the margen. Now I don't even do that, I just read Blondie's comments.
The WT's muffled message: Where's the ``Good News of the Kingdom" in This?
by Room 215 init's been commented on several times on this forum, but it would seem that the billions of hours lavished by jws in purportedly getting their message to the public has been a dismal failure, at least if measured by the extent to which they've been able get their core beliefs (i.e., god's kindom has been established invisibly in 1914 and you had better get with our program or face annihilation -- and soon) -- across to the public.
take a look at some of the front-page titles of this current year's magazines (especially the awake!
which most jws like to feature in preference to the wt) and ask yourselves: where the !#!%!
I remember about 1969 I was "in service" with a "sister" who presented the article, "Keeping Cool in Summer Heat," and the householder asked her, "What does that have to do with the bible?" The "sister" didn't know how to respond, so she just left. Back in the car she was indignant that the householder had asked such an impertinent question. I thought it was a very good question as I had wondered the same thing.
Would you go to a funeral at the Kingdom Hall?
by Dustin inso my brother and i have been having talks about what will happen when our dad passes away eventually.
most of his brothers and sisters have died in their 50's or early 60's.
i flat out refuse to attend any part of the service that would be done at the kingdom hall.
I agree with those who say Dustin should make his own decision and do what best for him. To those who who say he should go no matter what don't realize that not everything is black and white. Typical dub thinking.
Would you go to a funeral at the Kingdom Hall?
by Dustin inso my brother and i have been having talks about what will happen when our dad passes away eventually.
most of his brothers and sisters have died in their 50's or early 60's.
i flat out refuse to attend any part of the service that would be done at the kingdom hall.
I didn't even go to my daughter's funeral
I mean I didn't go to my daughter's wedding. I guess it seems like she's dead since she doesn't have any contact with me.
Would you go to a funeral at the Kingdom Hall?
by Dustin inso my brother and i have been having talks about what will happen when our dad passes away eventually.
most of his brothers and sisters have died in their 50's or early 60's.
i flat out refuse to attend any part of the service that would be done at the kingdom hall.
You have every right to be angry. Although he's your dad he doesn't act like it. When my mother passes away I have no intention of going to her funeral. I wouldn't go into a kingdom hall under any circumstances. I didn't even go to my daughter's funeral, inspite of the fact she wanted me to. And why would I go to the funeral of someone who wouldn't speak to me when she was alive? So whether or not her funeral were in a KH or a funeral home I wouldn't go.
Does being a JW make a person physically sick?
by Gill indefinitely mentally and more than likely physically.. i have read on a few posts and freeminds about an increase of mental illness amoungst jws of between 2 and 40 % and it seems understandable considering the amount of stress being in the borg puts on people.. but what about physically?.
what are your experiences since leaving the borg?.
do you feel well and fitter than ever before?.
While a dub I had frequent low back pain and was always constipated. After I left both problems disappeared and I was able to reduce the Prozac from 3 capsules a day to one.