I remember those days well. I stopped going to meetings for about a year and a half in 1976 for reasons unrelated to 1975. Of course, many thought 1975 was the reason.
Please, continue.
how often does it happen that we can be asked, rather like on the witness chair in a trial: "what exactly were you doing on the night of xx-xx-xxxx 30 years ago?
" and actually be able to answer that question?
i know exactly what i was doing during the evening of september 30, 1975: i was fervently praying to jehovah that i would be found worthy, in spite of all my weaknesses and failures, to find his favor and live through the next day, the day that armageddon was happening.
I remember those days well. I stopped going to meetings for about a year and a half in 1976 for reasons unrelated to 1975. Of course, many thought 1975 was the reason.
Please, continue.
my mother just called me to tell me the details of the funeral arrangements for my grandmother who passed last thursday evening... .
[a little background: i am df'd.
my parents, siblings and many extended relatives are jws.
Yes, it's sad. I don't have any contact with my witness family, so I never hear this kind of BS. You didn't ask for advice, but I think you should say a few words about your grandmother, if you had a close relationship with her. In the same situation I wouldn't give a rat's a$$ about what family members that are shunning me want.
some left because they couldn't follow the pace.
some left because they knew they were living a double life.. some left because they rathered live a life of sin.. and some left because they considered it a cult.. i stopped going because i was unable to keep up with all their demands and expectations, and i found them too controling.
also because they cover their past and give false hope for the near future.. why did you leave?.
I left because I'm gay and couldn't pretend not to be any longer. A couple of years after I left I read In Search of Christian Freedom. I've said more than once that I'm glad I'm gay or I might still be a dub. Makes me sick to think about it.
elders were supposed to set the lead so that the rank and file would follow suit.
i generally read the watchtower thoroughly but seldom did i read the awake.
were you faithful readers of those rags?
Hi Legolas, how are ya?
I only read what I found interesting!
So you didn't read them either, huh?
i remember at the hall, there was a speech where the brother said that 90% of movies weren't for christians.
the way he talked, about 90% of movies had sex in it or violence or anything that christians shouldn't watch.. funny thing is that every time i was invited to watch a movie with the jw's, there was plenty of violence in the movie they chose, and it didn't seem to bother them whatsovever.. gee, i rented lots of movies with sex and violence, and it didn't bother me at all.
By the time I started renting movies I was pretty weak in the LIE, so I started watching movies I had been forbidden to see when I was a kid, like "Psycho." I had more fun watching them than you could shake a stick at.
elders were supposed to set the lead so that the rank and file would follow suit.
i generally read the watchtower thoroughly but seldom did i read the awake.
were you faithful readers of those rags?
Yes, over a ten year period I read every single one. What a waste of precious time.
raise your hand?
put on the spot and didnt know the answer?
or just werent paying attention?
I loved it when someone gave the answer to the next or last paragraph. Was quite funny!
That was even worse than answering the "B" part, when only the "A" question had been asked.
the other dishes are mine and contain my food.
please note, placing a paw print in the middle of my plate and food does not stake a claim for it becoming your food and dish, nor do i find that aesthetically pleasing in the slightest.. the stairway was not designed by nascar and is not a racetrack.
beating me to the bottom is not the object.
That's a keeper. I just read it to the two dogs and they accepted every word without a complaint.
i just unsubscribed from a crafting newsletter that i have been receiving for a couple of years.
all along, i have been willing to overlook the "uber-christian" leanings because they offered some neat things like free fonts and cute scrapbooking ideas.
but today they had a feature called "customer spotlight" that just irked the heck out of me:.
HA! I'm quite certain my JW family is just waiting for something terrible to happen to us so they can look down their noses at us with that we-told-you-so look. I know it bugs the heck out of them that our life over the last 10 years has done nothing but improve.
When I left the dubs 14 years ago, my cousin called me and said that when I got AIDS she'd take care of me. Of course, she assumed that all gay men get AIDS and that it's a punishment from gawd. I suppose I should be greatful she's going to take care of me. Fortunately it hasn't happened and I've done some of things that she would like to be able to do, but can't, like go to college.
hi everyone, haven't posted for awhile.. i am probably just rambling tonight( a few glasses of great red wine) so pardon me.
every once and awhile i just have such great sadness that begins to permiate my thoughts.not just for me but for everyone who has walked this path.
i happen to have a pretty great life, but sometimes this deep sadness rises up in me for all the things that might have been.
Actually, I have connected with two people that I knew when we were dyed in the wool dubs, but our reasons for leaving are so different that we can't really relate to each other. One friend still believes the dubs may be jojoba's org, but they just need to shape up. Theother just doesn't want to talk about it. Although I'm really glad I'm in contact with them, we can't really help each other heal.