Raise your hand? Put on the spot and didnt know the answer? Or just werent paying attention? Our book study conductor loved to do that to me. Especially when I wasnt prepared for the book study. Then he decided he would go all around the room, and have everyone answer. Man did I hate that! That forced us all to come prepared. Finally, I put him in his place. He called on me to answer, and I said "I didnt raise my hand!" So he said would you like to answer anyway? I simply said no, and sat there! He stopped doing that finally. At least to me lol!
Were you ever called upon to answer when you didnt.........
by ButtLight 28 Replies latest jw friends
Yea.. and I politely told the conductor I had no comment. I guess thats why I never got to elder status.
Big Dog
Once, and I asked them if they wanted my answer or the preprogrammed canned answer contained in the paragraph that was meaningless to me. Never got called on again, got reamed by the parents when we got home but it was worth it.
Once I wasnt paying attention, and he called on me, and I gave the answer to the next paragraph. He just said thank you, and asked if anyone else wanted to add anything LMAO. Felt like an idiot when they read the next paragraph!
Gee, that's what Hermann does All the Time....
Instead of waiting for us to raise our hands, he always chooses someone to read, not 1 or 2 verses, but about 10...and sometimes there are tongue twisters in that bible.
I hate it when he does that. That was enough for me not to go !!!!!!!!!!
I loved it when someone gave the answer to the next or last paragraph. Was quite funny!
Instead of waiting for us to raise our hands, he always chooses someone to read, not 1 or 2 verses, but about 10...and sometimes there are tongue twisters in that bible.
Yep, he did that too. And I was just a teen then, so it was hard to read!
I loved it when someone gave the answer to the next or last paragraph. Was quite funny!
Yeah, as long as it isnt you lol
We had one jerk that made us read every scripture!
Everyone had to take a turn, he would start at either end then just go around the room!
I HAD to study for his meetings ...LOL ....incase I came across a word I didn't know ....LMAO
I don't recall that ever happening in our book studies.
But I never really got into commenting until I was in my mid-teens. I was always a rather quiet, shy kid. When I started really commenting, I did with a vengeance!
I wouldn't just read the line we were supposed to read from the book, but always expanded on it extensively. My comments usually went on for at least 2-3 minutes. I would talk about related issues/information, how it affected us individually and as an organization, etc. ad infinitum.
I remember the book study conductor being rather surprised. I could always get the study group really thinking, or so I thought. Of course, only within the JW doctrinal construct. I can recall one partcular study where we were discussing original sin and how that caused us to "grow old and die". I related being taught recently in school that science suspected that the reason our bodies age is due to a buildup of protein imperfections over a lifetime. No one really knew what to say to that.
I recall commenting like wildfire for a while. But when I began to realize that no one else ever had anything really interesting to relate other than just regurgitating the same material over and over, I quit in disappointment. And this was about the time I began my distancing from the Org.
The watchtower study conductor did that to me once when I didn't raise my hand. The mic was handed to me and I said "I didn't have my hand up." The conductor said "Well, answer anyway!" I said, "NO!" and handed the mic back. Everyone laughed.
It never happened again.