Wow wee. I've just realised from reading that stuff that I'm definitely an apostate in their view of the word!!
Just from the basics as celebrating a 'false religious celebration' but I love xmas and b'days - hey guys that's not fair
thanks to jw archive wiki we have a pdf of the new elders book..
Wow wee. I've just realised from reading that stuff that I'm definitely an apostate in their view of the word!!
Just from the basics as celebrating a 'false religious celebration' but I love xmas and b'days - hey guys that's not fair
i do believe it is written somewhere in jw literature .
OMG. Thanks Watchtower Free. It really baffles me but hang on thinking about that would require doing just that.
I continue to be amazed at the arrogance and damage of the one and only 'right' way.
it arrived in my email yesterday:.
merry christmas one and all!
the christmas season brings to mind visions of the baby jesus, wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger (a manger is a feeding-trough for farm animals by the way, and i know darn well most of you didn't know that!
I know this is an old post but after reading it I googled what the actual appearance of Jesus might have been like.
Why? Because I grew up in a racist religion with white people who accepted other skin types but subtly inferred that white was the proper colour. Disgraceful. I wanted to know what history had to say about the 'messiah'.
Its amazing that a so called inspired faith would only offer the pictures of a white Jesus in it's written info. Really?
I know it harks back to Russell and of that era but if they could not be truthful about quite an important fact and portrayal then how can they be truthful about everything else? They can't and I think they made it all up.
this topic is what what it says on the tin.
do jws suffer/are suffering, from stockholm syndrome?.
getting abused (mentally) and then seem to form a relationship with the captives (wtbts).. there is also a condition called oslo syndrome, but haven't read up much about it.. personally, i think i might be suffering from the former.. would love to get a few opinions.....
film witnesses of jehovah .
note 37:35 .
we all know the wts abandons and invents beliefs faster than apple can churn out new shiny stuff.
but have they ever abandoned a belief and later picked it up again?.
i remember many years ago we had one of those post-district-assembly review parts (part of the service meeting) where they were discussing some "new light".. there was some confusion about which was the "new" and which was the "old" and a semi-discussion ensued with people commenting.
film witnesses of jehovah .
note 37:35 .
Anger kind of sums it up and disbelief really that this evil organisation still runs rampant. Gee I feel sick after skimming through that. I read on a post a while back commenting on it's actually Satan running the borg.
In my brainwashed reservoir I read - wow disgruntled and slightly addled ex, no judgement of course - I was never taught to do that but seriously - exposing my thinking mind to this again, gee you really have to wonder.
Oh no, yes it took me back and then I remembered I don't even believe in Satan, ha. powerful wankers really with all the mind control.
my wife grew up without a religious upbringing.
she was passed down a german bible given to her grandfather in 1935 which had a hand written inscription by two jewish colleagues of her grandfather at the time.
inside was a quote either written by her relatives or anonymous, not sure which but i really had to share it as it really sums it up for me - enjoy!.
do you want to know why i think people don't believe in god?
well i believe people don't want to believe in god because they are scared.
they know that if they finally do gorge the confidence to believe in him, he might discipline them for their skepticism.
after years of leaked info, the gb has finally decided to publish their own shepherding textbook in epub format.. dear brothers:.
we are pleased to inform you that the shepherding textbook is now available in epub,.
mobi, and pdf format.
Sorry about that timelord and best wishes, you will get there I'm sure. I'm amazed really that the borg is getting so much into the tech world. I'm sure they figure that if anyone does muck with their material online that it probs won't matter too much because the end is so close anyway. It does surprize me though for such an inspired group that they are.
When you look at how the Brethren or specifically the exclusive keep the members away from the tech world they actually do a much better job at keeping their flock separate from the world.
I would really have thought that the internet to the dubs was something, that because they could not effectively control it, they would take a dim view of it and counsel strongly against? Maybe they have given up and the GB really are of to South America and the sheeple will be left to the wolves? Wishful thinking..