Please explain these historical accounts. Cornelius Tacitus was a Roman historian he wrote:
" to suppress therefore the common rumor, Nero procured others to be accused, and inflicted exquisite punishments upon those people, who were in abhorrence for their crimes, and were commonlly known as Christians. They had their denomination from Chistus (Christ), who in the reign of Teberius was put to death as a criminal by the procurator Pontius Pilate. "
This is from "Annal of Imperial Rome."
Tacitus confirms many details of the Gospels such as Jesus was executed as a criminal, Christians began in Judea and spread throughtout the empire, and their religeon derived from Christ. He verified the explosive growth of the new religion. (Annals XV 44)
Lucian wrote "The Passing Peregrinus," in this book Lucian wrote the history of a well-known Greek traveller named Proteus, who met some followers of Jesus in the early Church. Lucian provided confirmation of many historical facts that are mentioned in the Gospels.
A Syrian (pagan) named Mara Bar-Serapion wrote a letter from prison in the first century. He says,"What advantage did the Jews gain from executing their wise King?" This is independent pagan corroboration that Jesus was considered King of the Jews.
Thallus a pagan wrote in his book in A.D. 52 about darknes covering the land at the time of Passover in A.D. 32, "Third History".
I do not know how many confirmations that you need, but I have a few more. Most of these are from pagans if not all of them. Considering that most of the people of that time could not read or write, and this was 2000 years ago, and there were no printing presses or xerox machines, I think that this is a considerable amount of confirmation.