From most of the topics and replies I have come to believe that most everyone here still believes in God and Jesus and The Bible. Recently on a thread I've been on I've discovered many do not. I want to know what Mommie Dark and others believe on the subject of creation and Jesus. Mommie Dark believes that The Bible is a book of old tribal superstitions, anyone else? How do you explain the big bang theory? You could explain it to me all day long, but I still could not understand how order can come from total disorder. The big bang theory only reinforces my belief in God. How can a big explosion out in space create life?
Or, how about Jesus, how do you explain him. Who was he and why is he so important to so many people? How do you explain the Old Testament foretelling him before he was ever born. The Old Testament told of his birth, death, and resurrection. Some of these things are totally factual, how do you explain them away?