Ditto Path, I find life around us fascinating. The human body and psyche, the world, the universe and all the possible concepts associated - simply amazing! I prefer to see them as evidence of a higher intelligence as compared to concepts like evolution.
7 you make a good point, definitely Jesus life and ministry holds a lot of food for thought. Although examining that, in my mind, gets all tangled up with the consideration of whether the bible is God's word or not.
What an interesting statement Zep, that the 'instinct or desire to believe is more than enough of a basis to believe.'. I like your attitude here. However, obviously the desire to have or see something a particular way does not mean that it is that way. I'm not sure at this stage how to believe just because I would like it to be.
Like you waiting, I think that a sense of well being comes directly under one's own influence with or without a belief in God. Yes to get that balanced perspective! Every time I think I might be getting close, someone comes along with a different perspective, and shakes things up again. I sometimes think life is like those 'sand pictures'. Where are the absolutes to pin everything on? Or doesn’t it matter anyway?