Hello Duncan,
Enjoyed your descriptive 'near Armageddon' experience. Great sense of humour. I will never be able to queue at an ATM without trepidation again.
Welcome to Simon and Angharad's place. Looking forward to hearing more from you.
dear all.
i'm a new chap here, one of the old h2o refugees who seem to have been streaming to this place recently.. englishman suggested i post my "christmas shopping" post as a kind of introductory-hi-and-how-are-you.
hope you like it, despite it not being terribly seasonal at the moment.. i'll look forward to posting here in the future (original stuff i mean, not just reheated "greatest hits" like this).
Hello Duncan,
Enjoyed your descriptive 'near Armageddon' experience. Great sense of humour. I will never be able to queue at an ATM without trepidation again.
Welcome to Simon and Angharad's place. Looking forward to hearing more from you.
following is a slightly improved version of something i posted onto various web site forums a few months ago.
i hope it helps those working so hard on this subject.
what is revealed about the societys motivations regarding reporting (or not) of child abuse to secular authorities?
I thank you for taking my words at face value. I was not attempting humility, but trying to make the point that I am just your average 'joe blow', and yes part of the 'majority'. I'm not sure however, why that makes me any more unaware of Friend's hidden agenda than anyone else's, including yours? Yes I agree with you, there are times when Friend's manner is condescending. Friend does though point out the flaws in the reasonings presented and the sweeping generalisations that are often made. It seems to me that we all too often attack the person when we don't like the message, instead of considering the message itself.
I think you are correct about my insecurity. I think this insecurity stems from the perception that perhaps in associating here I have not left behind the WTS after all. It seems that many are still playing the same 'game' just with different team colours, (and I am not referring to Friend here).
For some of us sensationalism does not work. For some of us fanaticism does not work If you are writing for the 'media' I can understand your using that style. The majority here on this db however, are not members of the media.
You are right, I got carried away. The issues were not totally clouded, just clouded.
It is precisely because I have a distaste for the WTS dessembling that I feel we need to be more careful with the arguments we present and the style in which they are presented. Otherwise we come across as just another disgruntled former member, which allows people to brush aside any message we may have.
Imo the greatest tool for those that want to 'save' others from the WTS is to show that we are well adjusted, reasonable people who have a happy and fulfilled life outside the WTS. When others have doubts and are looking for someone to talk with it will not be with bitter, raving fanatics attacking one another, but people who can display patience, love, understanding and reasoning abilities.
i am doing some research on neanderthals.
we know that this species existed and by very recent dna test we can tell that they are definitely not human.has any one done anything on this subject or the accuracy of carbon dating?
Thanks Uncle Onion and Thirdson for finding this info and sharing.
I can't say that I understand very well what is being said but I do find it interesting. I was wondering if anyone knew if they have been able to extract any of the mt(DNA) of the Cro-Magnons and if these have been compared to the Neanderthals as well as modern man? I have done a little 'surfing' but haven't been able to find anything relevant yet.
following is a slightly improved version of something i posted onto various web site forums a few months ago.
i hope it helps those working so hard on this subject.
what is revealed about the societys motivations regarding reporting (or not) of child abuse to secular authorities?
As a poster who is not in any way brilliant or intellectually gifted, I personally appreciate Friends posts. I am pedantic by nature and I like to have the details correct. It is all too easy to misunderstand the meaning of what is being said because of perceived understandings of words as being common,when they often are not. I do not intend to pick pieces out of every post to show where Friend gave balanced and moderate replies and addressed the issues and questions asked, and where others have reacted with emotional generalities. Friend can more than adequately defend himself. However, I will say that I find his lack of rabid ranting refreshing. Friend at the very least sets his posts out in a manner that is simple enough for me to easily read and comprehend and sticks to the point.
People here at this db, whom I respect, have told me how clever Focus is. I would like to see this. So far the posts from Focus have been a verbal outpouring with little content. The issues being discussed in the other thread about paedophiles are not insignificant. However they have been totally clouded by turning the issue into one of personal dislike for a particular poster.
I realise that by making these comments I will now be labelled as a WTS apologist. I feel like one of those tin 'sitting ducks' at a carnival sideshow shooting gallery.
I guess I may as well be 'hung for a sheep as for a lamb', so while I'm here I would like to ask what exactly is the issue being made 'into a mountain' with regards to the events in India?
despite the ranting in some of the posts on this board i thought today was a good day.
today, march 1 (for me still right now) can be regarded as the first day of spring unless youre a stickler for changing the season on the equinox.
today was the first morning in umpteen days that i woke to outside temperatures above 0 degrees.
Hi Thirdson,
Thank for your descriptive post of the morning in your part of the world. A great morning by the sounds of it! I also love those kinds of mornings and that great to be alive feeling. 'Aint life grand at times!
I like your outlook here Thirdson.
well this is my 2nd post on this board, my first is down on the sex forum!
!i tried to give a little background on myself, sorry its a bit sporadic.
it is kind of tough to get your thoughts together.
Oh dear me larc,
I have been doing that too, I was even (gulp) using a ruler!
'Scuse, just going to go find something to clean off my screen, before normie notices. Hope he's not on the mikes next meeting!
well someone had to do it, so it might as well be prim & proper prisca to do the honors in the sex forum...... .
this thread is for all newbies to introduce yourselves.
whatever you feel happy to reveal about yourself.
Now normie67 of course Simon's place is better than the others! Did you expect us to say something different?
I really feel for you normie. I think you are in a very hard place, in life at the moment. I hope you can continue to visit and that the posts and company here help you to ultimately achieve some comfort and inner peace. Likewise for expat, CP, and Nik. We hope you can visit often.
Well that goes for all the new folks!! Let's see that's DLJ, zev, arch, alias, Moridin, siveld and Dbear. Have I missed anyone?
P.S. Hi mgm, I haven't seen you around for a while. Sorry for the difficult times you are going through now.
i'am dannybear i have been lurking around here from time to time, for the last several weeks.
this forum seems to be a friendly group, not to mention i see jt, englishman, focus, waiting and few others that are very familiar to me from h20.. i live in california.
i was raised as a jw (third generation), got the unceremonious 'boot'(df)in 1980-81 been so long..i can't remember the actual date.
A ditto of TW's comment from me too!
I would also like to slip in a G'day to all the new company, it is good to have such a variety of opinions and thoughts to consider and identify with.
sorry i am a bit late posting this.
thank you for your messages of welcome and your replies to my odd few posts.
i am sorry that some are upset at some of things i have written.
Hi Thirdson,
It is nice to see all these new faces at Simon's place.
Just out of curiosity Thirdson was that Australian DC in '71, (where Uncle Bruce managed to slip in the rat poison), held in a big paddock, (read 'big field' for US posters), near Wollongong? The same one where we sloshed about in mud up to our knees and every rain hat, rain coat, umbrella and pair of gum boots, (read 'wellingtons' here for UK posters) were sold out in the 'Gong? I had great fun at that assembly, don't remember much about the program though.
dlj .
what i think mommy/wendy (her real name) is getting at is this :.
getting married is a serious decision that will affect you for the rest of your life.
There are some parents who do not encourage their children towards baptism at an early age. I know parents who have felt uneasy with their child's request for baptism at an age they consider too young. They expressed those feelings to me and were at some loss as to how they should handle their child's stand at that age.
In my own case, when I approached my parents to inform them of my desire for baptism, my father, (baptised at 10 yrs of age himself), asked me to wait a year. When I approached him a year later with the same request he arranged for a few of the other elders in the congregation to question me. I must have passed the 'third degree interrogation' because some time later I was informed that I could join the next group of baptism candidates when they had were going through their pre-baptism questions. I was 13 yrs old when I was baptised and it ended up being 2 years after I had first spoken to my parents.
I think it would be a hard place for a parent to be in, even when they do believe in JW teachings.
DLJ I admire your stand for your faith here, and the way you are examining all things and your aim at being reasonable in all things pertaining to that faith. I hope you continue to keep examining and reassessing, as we all do throughout our whole life.