i have tried to find out,,,,hubby is active,,,so i get "inside" news....everything i have heard is that
it is all lies given by apostates....
for witnesses who are currently going to the meetings, or anyone really for that matter, who may have friends still going i have a question:.
what are the active witnesses saying about the molesting issue that has come quite apparent lately?
i have tried to find out,,,,hubby is active,,,so i get "inside" news....everything i have heard is that
it is all lies given by apostates....
i have just been informed that our good friend queenie is in the hospital due to compications caused by diabetes.
she is likely to remain in the hospital for at least a couple of weeks.
i am sure that you will all join me in wishing our queenie a speedy recovery.
hi queenie,,,just wanted to let you know that i am thinking of you and hoping the best for you...
hang in there....you are cared about very much....
hugs to you both...glad it turned out well....
this is for all of the current jehovah's witnesses who have questions about things they may have heard about on this website (or on dateline or other media), such as 1975, 1914 generation, blood policy changes, requiring women to scream when they are attacked by a rapist, and especially, the watchtower society's pedophile policy.. below are links to threads i have made that show clearly the answers to your questions about numerous topics, taken directly from the watchtower society's own publications: .
armageddon was supposed to come in 1925: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.aspx?id=37072&site=3.
armageddon was supposed to come in 1975: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.aspx?id=36961&site=3.
thank you for the work involved...it is appreciated!!!
what is the purpose of the march?
do the marchers just march past the watchtower and that's it?
just wondering.
hi,,,,it is nice to meet you....
hi and welcome...
i want to thank all of you for your kind words and your support.
jan is home.
simply wonderful news....i am so glad for the both of you...tell jan i have been thinking of her and
want to wish her the very best....big hugs being sent your way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i've been lurking for several months, its my first post here.
i am currently an active jw.
i have a very jw family so i have to be careful.
hi,,,and welcome to the board.....hang in there,,,,everybody here understands your position....
a camel and an elephant meet.. the elephant asked the camel:.
"why do you have your breasts on your back?".
the camel, clearly irritated, replies:.
i've been lurking about, checking out some of the evidence against the wtbs.
i am currently inactive but still an approved/baptized member.
i have seen all the 1914/607bce evidence; the blood transfusion quandry evidence; the current child abuse problem evidence and several other things that are damning to the wt doctrines.
hi,,,and welcome..i do not have any words of wisdom for you,,,i wish i
did,,,,i am not dis'f or dis'a....just in hiding and very inactive...
i am an elders wife,,,so i have opportunity to hear the "latest"
take your time,,,read and discuss things that might bother you..you are
not alone in your feelings...SO MANY HERE,,,have gone through so much...
there are lots of ex elders,,ms..ect ect here,,,that i am sure will
help you alot...stick around,,,you will find comfort here...