i am glad you had so much fun...everyone needs that....(hope you can remember it the next day
Posts by ugg
Back for work Xmas meal...
by ScoobySnax injust got back earlier tonight from the works christmas meal organised by my colleagues at a local resturant club, they all know my take on xmas, and they were aware this was the first one i'd been, so over the turkey, wine, music and general stuff , they handed me, whilst giving out the usual xmas cards, a stack of cards that i opened that all just said ....dear scott, have a very merry "ordinary day" and a happy jan 1st!!!
!....we love you .
A quote that made me LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!
by Jesika ini was sent an email and this was one of the lines in it.
i couldn't help but laugh!!!!!!!!!
!one thing i do know for certain, going to church doesn't make you a christian anymore than going to mcdonalds makes you a hamburger.
you are funny AND have a heart of gold.....blessed are we for having you in our lives...
by Gig inwell friends, it seems to be over.
some of you may remember i fell in love with a jw (before i had any idea of what i was getting into).
it's been almost two years ago and i tried every way i could think of to see what she sees, historically, doctrinally, evangelistically, liguistically, every way but realistically.
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Out of the woods, well, getting there
by joelbear infirst, thanks for the dozens of you who sent me notes of encouragement.
i've tried to answer as many as i could but i was overwhelmed by your kind thoughts.. my suicidal thoughts have disappeared and have been gone for the past 2 weeks.
i see my therapist again next week.
joelbear,,,,,i am so glad you got help.....i was hoping so much that you would...you are not alone in this area by any means....
keep up the good work,,,,keep taking your meds and seeing a therapist...it will make such a difference in your life....i am truly,,,truly,,,glad for you....
How Long....
by WildTurkey inwhen i look back on my years as a jw, i cant believe how i accepted so many of their teachings without proof.
as i think about it now, i sometimes really feel like a dumb ass.
i was watching a video of our ministry school from a few years ago and there is no way in hell i could sit and listen to that bull anymore.. when they say the faithful slave, my stomach turns.
jesus,,,i am gonna have night mares for sure now!!!!!!!!!!!!! shudder!!!!! shudder!!!!! shudder!!!!!!
no way,,,,no way,,,,no way,,,,,no way,,,,,,no way,,,,,no way,,,,,no way,,,,no way,,,,no way,,,,,,
i cannot even look at a witness let alone walk into a building full of them!!!!!! nothing nothing nothing
is worth that kind of pain anymore...
REALLY NICE....thank you for sharing!!!
"cleanest Witness community the web has ev...
by the dog inyeah?
the dog.
as our community continues to grow, the jwotw is committed to provide a clean environment for jehovah's witnesses online to associate with one another.
Watch out xenawarrior!
by bikerchic in*cue star wars theme music*.
onacruse makes jedi!.
in a mere 159 days he did it!
Y the love of her life has made jedi !!!!!!!
congratulations craig
My Finale on the Internet - Forword to 3 Parts
by Amazing inlife is tough regardless of whether we were ever jws.
my own life has taken some twists and turns i did not expect or like ... and i have to focus all my attention now on getting my badly needed open-heart surgery or face death in about six months ... so in the next couple of days, i am making the last of three posts for a while ... then all my efforts will be aimed at getting better, and facing some issues in my life and making the best decisions possible for me and my family.
i decided to limit many activities because i tend to do too much and neglect some things that i should not ... this is not a good-bye post, but more of a long vacation post.
((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( AMAZING)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
wishing you the best in EVERYTHING.....
she left me
by rowdy intell me how a person could walk out of 23yrs of marriage and not think twice of family and grand kids, i left 5 years ago raised in it, abused, and molested in it me and my sisters for 18 years.
i stood up a year ago and told mario moreno and bob johnson its a crock a year ago this month, trust me.
thank god for barb, bill, and alan f they are good friends i was suppose to go with barb and joe to flordia this month but my wife thru a wrench in things, she told my 2 sons and dauhter she is going to have to quite associatng with them also cause they are apostate also.
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