what she did to you was beyond awful.....i am glad to know you,,,,you are a great person....it is
her lose....
sister got married back in the summer.
she had a small wedding and they only invited their families.
this is what i don't understand.
what she did to you was beyond awful.....i am glad to know you,,,,you are a great person....it is
her lose....
i am sooooo very sick.
i am serious, sick and miserable because of it.
must be some nasty virus, or something i ate.
i feel bad for you.....sending you a great big cyber HUG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HANG IN THERE!
my jw niece called me last night on the phone.
she is having a pampered chef party (for those of you who don't know what these are, it's like a tupperware party except they cook a meal and sell the cooking stuff).
it is going to be at my jw sister's house and all the dubs will be there....including my "best" friend who ratted me out to my sister regarding us celebrating christmas last year.. i am not invited....but my niece would like me to buy some stuff and to make up for shunning me she is offering to give me her hostess discount....woohoo huh?.
that is just sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i just wanted to say that i'm having a blast reading all the posts.
i stumbled upon this site because i was curious to see what the jehovah's witnesses have to say about september 11th and instead i've been laughing at the top ten's and such.
i was priveleged?
hi,,,and welcome to the board.....
well, i guess u can say that i've dodged the proverbial bullet.
now only if i could've dodged that damn rim yesterday!.
yesterday at work a tire and rim application that i had been workin on came apart under about 60 lbs of pressure and smacked me right in the face.
oh my,,,,,you are indeed fortunate!!!! sending cyber get well hugs......hang in there
i am quite sad and confused...
how important is it to be truthful and completely truthful about ones past in a relationship?
is it unusual for one to be severely hurt after discovering that a mate has not said everything about a past relationship even thouhg they calim to have?
welcome,,,it is nice to meet you.....my advice,,,be open,,be honest,,,be truthful,,,about every thing
i have been reading posts here for several months, which has helped me to keep from going insane.
my doubts came when i finally got the nerve to leave a bad marriage, why did i stay so long.
because i was ashamed and really scared of what "jehovah" would think of me.
hi and welcome....you will like it here....you will also learn alot...
well, it's been one week since mom called to tell me that she is reverting back to a previous behavior from 1981, called "hard line shunning".
this is after some ten years now, of having communication with me in a restrictive manner.
(well, as "normal" as it could be for us anyway.
hugs and understanding being sent your way....
sharon mcdaniel kennedy
january 27, 1942 - september 6, 2001
(we called her "the rose", affectionately, .
heartfelt sympathy to you....major hugs being sent your way....
news release.
the upcoming september 9, 2002 child abuse civil court trial of victoria boer v. the canadian jehovahs witnesses organization 10:00 am, courtroom 4-4, 361 university avenue, toronto, ontario as reported in the september 1, 2002 edition of the toronto sun.
silentlambs inc. (www.silentlambs.org) accuses the jehovahs witnesses (jws) organization of fostering an environment for child rape, ignoring abuse survivors, protecting child molesters and expelling jehovahs witnesses who have tried to support the victims and alert the public.
this is all so tradgic...