side ache,,,,side ache.....hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahha
side ache,,,,side ache.....hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahha
when i saw this...i couldn't stop laughing...and the funny thing is...this is actually real in mount shasta california.
happy town!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.....good one!
i'm curious... does anyone know of situations where jw inquiring into the un have been df'd?
i did all the research and got info from the original sources (so when i show my family there's no doubt).
i wrote the society once, then got the "usual" reply (2 weeks later) - wrote again, this time pointing out specifics and wanting answers, but instead i got df'd (hmmm, 3 weeks later) for living with my sister (who was disassociated for some time, and was no big secret here in my congregation).
hi and welcome tashawaa,,,,,i was wondering this also??? if i got all the information about the U.N.
and wrote and confronted the society what would happen???? i mean if you pointed every thing out to them they would have to respond,,right??? how could they not...and if they couldn't get you on anything,,,,they would HAVE to explain,,,it cannot be wrong to question if you have proof right????
i have been interested in doing this,,,but have wondered what the result would be!!! would love to hear opinions also.....thanks....
i just notice my posts now number 104 and that i am now a senior poster.. god knows i am having fun (pun intened).
give me liberty or give me death.
wow... it's been awhile since i've posted, there are a lot of new names here.
i just had to post on this.... i received a letter from my mother friday telling me that she and my father no longer wish to associate with my husband or me.
they will contact me in case of emergency but thats it.
it is nice to meet you,,,,,i am sorry for your situation,,,,losing family is so sad i think,,,keep hanging in there!!! (((((((((((((( hugs )))))))))))))
i started a thread saturday morning about eyegirl and i getting ready to attend our brother's 30th bday party.
what a blast we had!
lot of laughs (omg...... only strange thing of the weekend was heading over to our grandma's for lunch on sunday, driving up and seeing mom and dad's truck parked in the driveway (they are still active dubs).
"APPLAUSE" "APPLAUSE" very nice....
craig sent me plane tickets and i'll be flying up to portland to visit him, i can hardly wait!
it's going to be a very eventful weekend for us, i'm very excited!.
we've planed to post pics here for you all to see.
uuummmmm,,,,ona,,,correction,,,,"your a lucky smart dipfuck"
2 elders are visiting us next friday 11 oct.. i urgently need some information on how i can obtain original documents regarding the rand cam shares.. i have printed out loads of earlier discussions from this forum, (thanks to everyone involved for all the hard work) but i need to have some authentic material on hand, because that's obviously what they are going to ask for.
does anyone have a phone number where i can obtain this information ?
time is running out !
they are going to chew you up,,,spit you out,,, and bury you....all the while with a smile on their
faces...hope you are mentally prepared for what is about to happen to you..."SHUDDER"
dutchie,,,,oh my,,,that is the saddest story,,,god how awful....
what i have learned about some friendships.
people come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.. when you figure out which it is, you know exactly what to do.
when someone is in your life for a reason, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed outwardly or inwardly.
i don't have any real friendships except for some relatives....whom i dearly love...