Sad to say, I was a JW for 32 years and was suckered in for the majority of it. It has been just recently that the realization has completely hit. It took looking up information about what a cult truly is and then looking at how our life was to realize it. Looking back, and seeing the micromanagement of our lives, every little detail, even your relations with you spouse, it is easy to see now but brainwashing is such a powerful tool. It really takes getting out to understand what is really going on. And even then it is difficult to understand why and for what reason anyone would ever willingly do that to people. But I guess that that is the nature of the GBeast.
JoinedPosts by Lo-ru-hamah
When did you realize that you were part of a cult?
by JH in.
as a jw, i never thought that i was in a cult.
i thought that other religions were a cult, but not us.. what made you realize that the jw's is a cult?
Whose been ripped off financially by his JW brother?
by Spectrum ini posted this in another thread but it is more relevant here.
i worked for jw doing back breaking work for a while only to be told by another jw that he was ripping me of - he was paying me half the going rate.
i was only 17 and naive didn't know anything about the world of work.
Oh yeah! We have been ripped off royally and both times by elders. Lied about their time and all kinds of bad stuff. We have sworn off hiring any more witnesses. I'd love to know where watchtower finds out the information about witnesses being such great employees. What a load!
Answer from the "Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses"
by Lilycurly insome of you might remember my situation....i have daed myself a while ago, and my father is the only jw in the family.
since i am very close to him and the family, he has read everything related to shunning, he even asked elders and even them are not sure.
so he wrote a big long letter to bethel to have an answer.
Welcome to the board uninformed.
Matthew 24:45-47, Luke 12:41-43, Matthew 28:19 & 20, Hebrews 10:24 & 25.
I think that these are the only scriptures that the dubs even use.
My last meeting
by PoppyR inso last night we had the last book study at our house, next week all the congregations change around and i asked for it to be moved.
so i sat in on it, and afterwards we had a bit of a 'party'.
felt quite emotional really, although i haven't answered for a long time i put my hand up to read a scripture just so i could mark the last time i did this.
Not too long ago I was curious about a friend of mine that is dfed. I called her family and just asked about how they were and then brought her up. I asked where she was living now and was wondering if she was doing anything about being a JW. Afterwards, I was able to call information in the city she was in and get her phone number. Playing nonchallant about it was helpful but then they knew me as sort of a ditz, so it might not have raised any flags. I would recommend that you pretend that you are just curious about how she is doing spiritually and that you just thought of her and were a little sad. You know, play up the whole JW thing.
Any way, hope that will help some.
How did you overcome the allure of Paradise? Or have you?
by M.J. ini think the biggest reason someone maintains their faith in the wts is because the wts is the "ticket" to paradise earth.. how did you deal with the prospect that the "ticket" salesmen weren't totally reliable?.
did it cause you to let go of your hope in paradise earth?
did it redirect it to another hope?.
I haven't overcome the allure of Paradise. I still believe that the bible teaches it. Also, many christian and non-christian religions teach about some sort of paradise. Just don't think that so many people could be wrong. Though, if JW's are going to be the only ones there then I just assume die.
I honestly believe that God is more mercifull than your average JW. When Jesus was on the torture stake or cross (whichever you want) there was a conversation that occured with the evil doer next to him. "In reply the other rebuked him and said: "Do you not fear God at all, now that you are in the same judgment? And we, indeed, justly so, for we are receiving in full what we deserve for things we did; but this man did nothing out of the way." And he went on to say: "Jesus, remember me when you get into your kingdom." And he said to him: "Truly I tell you today, You will be with me in Paradise." The evildoer did nothing except express faith in Jesus and yet Jesus promised him paradise. So, yes, I believe in a paradise that will be extended to all who believe in Jesus. It is very important though to believe in Jesus and not the Governing Body. JW's are so concerned with men that they have completely taken Jesus out of the picture.
But this is just my opinion. I love the idea and don't want to give it up. Of course, if I were going by what the JW's believe then paradise is lost anyway. Oh well.
Does the King Kong movie have racist overtones?
by enlightenedcynic inhey everybody,.
was having a discussion with a co-worker about the new kk movie.
he asked if i saw it already.
I didn't get to see the entire film but being a white female I didn't really get any racial overtones in the film. But as I said I am white and it is difficult to understand what other races have to see and how they are treated. I just have to say, though, that I thought that the first mate, the black actor was absolutley gorgeous. In fact he was the best looking person in the entire film.
Hi to everybody...Hello from Chile
by miker2 inim miker (well i guess you cant pronounce my last name haha), anyway, im sandro recabarren (a lot of rrrrrrr).
i was jw by 15 years, and i "worked" like pionner and ministerial servant, and sometimes in bethel, and i went to ministerial training shool too.
but since four years ago, i did discover that jerusalem dont fall at 607 bc.
Hello Mike,
Welcome, neat you are from Chile. I know it is rather a large world but you wouldn't happen to know a Wade and Tirza Burhogher? I can't remember how their last name is spelled. Anyway, he is supposed to be missionary down there in Chile. Him and his wife were CO's but now missionaries. Well, just wondering. Welcome again.
Lords evening meal/last supper
by cyberdyne systems 101 inhas anyone else wondered why the witnesses hold a meeting in order to 'keep doing this in rememberance of me' ?
since i was old enough to think and reason (yes i know how terrible!
) i could never understand why our 'celebration', the one thing important to true christians in the year, was another meeting!
It is interresting that this subject should come up. My family and I have been doing quite a bit of research into this. In Luke 22:14-20 Jesus instituted the New Covenant. This was his blood covenant and he did not make a distinction as to who should partake "keep doing this in remembrance of me." Later, in Luke 22:28 & 29 Jesus instituted another covenant with his disciples, the Kingdom Covenant. It says "However, you are the ones that have stuck with me in my trials; 29 and I make a covenant with you, just as my Father has made a covenant with me, for a kingdom, at my table in my kingdom, and sit on thrones to judge the twelve tribes of Israel." If then you cross reference this you will find it again mentioned at Revelation 5:10 "and you made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God, and they are to rule as kings over the earth." The WTS has linked those two covenants together as one but in actuallity Jesus distinguished the two as seperate. The WTS has done this in order for all to look to them as the mediator and try to emphasize their importantance and that only through them would the rest of the world be saved. Hence, in doing so they have taken Jesus' position of authority and Kingship. So, we have come to the conclusion that everyone who believes in Jesus and believes that his blood is what covers over our sins should partake because they are part of the new covenant.
Does this make sense to anyone else?
Do YOU Consider Yourself An Apostate?
by Golf ini find this labeling insulting and misdirected.
i have been lied, deceived/tricked by a group of men posing as god's direct channel of communication.
when a group of men heightens the expectations of a world change to happen in 1975 (armageddon) to its' adherents and nothing occurs and then blame their adherents for thinking such thoughts, this is outright deception.
Apostates are included among those who show their hatred of Jehovah by revolting against him. Apostasy is, in reality, a rebellion against Jehovah. Some apostates profess to know and serve God, but they reject teachings or requirements set out in his Word. Others claim to believe the Bible, but they reject Jehovah’s organization and actively try to hinder its work.
They seem to have two definitions here, one is that those who reject Jehovah are apostates and the other is that those who reject "Jehovah's Organization" are apostates. Personally, I have not rejected Jehovah and therefore do not consider myself an apostate of Jehovah.
However, if by finally thinking on my own and realizing that this organization is self proclaimed from Jehovah and yet lacking all the evidence of being chosen then yes, I am apostate. I do not follow men!!!
If everyone will remember Jesus Christ himself died an apostate. So, if I get to be labeled in that catagory then that is the best thing that could ever happen to me.