I have sent you a pm. I have a place for you .
hi, all.............i need to make a trip to waxahachie, tx to see my terminally ill mom..........being df'd, i am figuring that my sister will not put me up in her house, so, i'm asking if anyone who lives near there could manage to put me up for a week...........i'm hoping for may 19 thru the 26th...........let me know............ thanks in advance,.
I have sent you a pm. I have a place for you .
i was converted in the early 1980's.. warlock .
Born in 4th generation
Baptized at 13 and attented my last meeting in August of 2005
i'm just going to start at the beginning.. i was anticipating the memorial all day.
i was nervous but excited, kind of like standing in line for a roller coaster.. ok. so erika gets ready at her house, and i get ready at mine.
i'm wearing a black suit with a light green shirt, and a tie that had hues of green and yellow in it.
I am glad that you are taking it so well because I am sitting here with tears streaming down my face. Their behavior is intolerably cruel. I am glad though, that at least one person smiled at you and showed some sort of fellow felling.
dont you think it is odd that out of all the religions the wacktower maintains a question and comment forum for its sunday afternoon obligatory meeting?
what does this accomplish for them?
i think the question and answer form of meeting accomplishes three things; .
Many years ago, we had the sweetest little old lady in our hall who was mentally challenged, and she loved to comment during the watchtower study. My dad, who was the conductor, would call on her. Our family really liked her. Anyway, there was the study on Joseph and Potiphers wife. (If you remember the picture of Joseph fleeing from her grasp.) Well, she raised her hand and my dad called on her, and she said in her gruff little voice, "Well, Joseph is wearing a dress, so, he is a transvestite. He isn't going to be in the paradise." I still smile when I think of her.
just recieved a e-mail from a active jw friend.
my mom was talking to a friend from bethal and they were talking about the number of the 144,000 that are left(..... and i talked briefly about this)and how they feel that there are actually less then 800and remember .....i said there had been a talk or something on it?
well i guess it was a wt article that we studied(well i knew i had heard it somewhere!
My mom and I were discussing this the other night. We added up all of the anointed that we have known in different congretations and others that we have met. We came up with knowing about 40 anointed. We then figured that we had met 6000 different witnesses. The percentage worked out that .675% of the witnesses we knew were anointed. If then you calculate that number to work out you can figure that approximately 40,500 of the 6,000,000 witnesses partake.
Of course this is supposition, and maybe my math is wrong (?), but it seems awfully odd that there are so many that just two average witnesses know. I think that they (the Watchtower) greatly deflate the number of partakers.
this is the place for all you arrogant skeptics to post all the things you don't believe in so you can stop harassing posters on other threads involving the paranormal, after all you are smarter than the rest of us .....................
Is there really a person that rides around on a motorcycle with fire coming out of their body, able to ride up and down skyscraper buildings...?
Just asking
That is so funny. I love your sense of humor. Loruhamah
has anyone ever tried it and with what result?
i'm going to a class at the end of march and i am a little bit wary.
i mean as witnesses we are told not to get hypnotized because that will let in the demons.
I am so glad you posted this topic as it was something that I was considering myself. Since you have paid for the class anyway please post your experience and thoughts of what you think personally. Though, I have had acpucture and I loved it but it wasn't for weight loss.
Good luck!
the time clock is ticking, only four days to go before i get on the big iron bird and head for the other side of the planet.
wifey and i will depart for israel on sunday and have three great weeks in haifa.
hopefully i can get on line at my son's flat and see what's cooking!
Sounds exciting. Please be careful over there and enjoy the sights. Wish we could go with you.
dateline has been running a series of programs on internet child predators.
just a few months ago, they (along with perverted justice) made an appearance in sleepy little murphy, texas.
they used a house 2 blocks from where we live (all those evil, wicked apostates who've been to my home should know).. tonight they ran the episode, complete with the arrest of a local school teacher who was trolling after what he thought a 13 year old boy, a neighbor (literally) and a public prosecutor who killed himself rather than be arrested.
I wish I could have seen it. I bet she was great. Always nice to know someone brave enough to stand up for what they believe in.
Bravo Nina
well as you all know its official im no longer a jw.
when my father spoke to me he said other than emergencies he could have no contact with me, thats fine im cool with that.
but i just got a phone call from hubby from my dad who is apparently holidaying in new zealand, to let me know that my great uncle passed away last night.
Ah, Es, I am so sorry your father is treating you this way. Also, sorry you lost your uncle. Were you very close?
P.S. How is your little baby girl?