Thanks for the spell check but you note you did not at all rebuttle the argument. I guess you all agree.
Jesus is Lord,
despite the failings of many who claim to follow the bible and believe it, this gives no excuse to dismiss it's contents.
thru the centuries it has proved reliable and remains the word of god despite all else.
Thanks for the spell check but you note you did not at all rebuttle the argument. I guess you all agree.
Jesus is Lord,
despite the failings of many who claim to follow the bible and believe it, this gives no excuse to dismiss it's contents.
thru the centuries it has proved reliable and remains the word of god despite all else.
Rem in his frustration of unbelief and outright rebellion against God spills out more drivel:
Yeah! 'Cuz Truth Defender says so, dammit!
Like you are some great well read well thought out apologest for athiesm. Athiesm is true because Rem says so, dammit!? Real slick. Romans one testafies that you are with out exuse..... and that is at the heart of your rebellion and it reflects an emotional state of misery that you are in just by reading your posts it gives that away. You are seperated from God's redemtion in Christ and his Free offer of the gospel. Look you are miserable because of your futile non-sencical rebellion against a Holy God, but you try to advance your misery by attacking bible believing Christians, who by no work or doing of thier own inherited by grace alone the free give of eternal live with Jesus Christ and the fullness of Joy that accomponies such a marvalious gift.
may the Lord have mercy on you,
despite the failings of many who claim to follow the bible and believe it, this gives no excuse to dismiss it's contents.
thru the centuries it has proved reliable and remains the word of god despite all else.
Rem in his frustration of unbelief and outright rebellion against God spills out more drivel:
Yeah! 'Cuz Truth Defender says so, dammit!
Like you are some great well read well thought out apologest for athiesm. Athiesm is true because Rem says so, dammit!? Real slick. Romans one testafies that you are with out exuse..... and that is at the heart of your rebellion and it reflects an emotional state of misery that you are in just by reading your posts it gives that away. You are seperated from God's redemtion in Christ and his Free offer of the gospel. Look you are miserable because of your futile non-sencical rebellion against a Holy God, but you try to advance your misery by attacking bible believing Christians, who by no work or doing of thier own inherited by grace alone the free give of eternal live with Jesus Christ and the fullness of Joy that accomponies such a marvalious gift.
may the Lord have mercy on you,
despite the failings of many who claim to follow the bible and believe it, this gives no excuse to dismiss it's contents.
thru the centuries it has proved reliable and remains the word of god despite all else.
Remember TD the bible is absolutly true and reliable because of the selfclaims that are in the bible and it reflects the unchainging and impeachable moral character of a Holy GOD. The bible claims are true and are outside the bounds of any tent of and independent of human testamony infact the Bible is the tent that testafies to man.
No one is nutral
All arguments are circular
The question is how can we validate a curcular argument regarding theology?
Answer: You begin with scripture
Yes I am a Van Tillian Presupositionalist.
think about it if the bible says we must present our bodies as a living sacrifice to god and we must be holy because god is holy is that really possible, well i would say no and do you wanna no why "well im gonna tell you anyway".well think about driving our cars we r deliberately polluting the earth which god condems,and what about the food we eat which contaminates our bodies,which i think would really corrupt our bodies,and think about it we are imperfect according to the bible so how can we make ourselves holy.also imagine a jw has aids and then is prescibed a drug which can corrupt our bodies but helps the patient with his suffering (ie:ganga is given to aids sufferers to help them to regain appetite for eating)but i suppose that would be ok for that more thing for the last few months ive been coughing a lot and i havent smoked for years but guess what i smoked a menthol fag today and voila my coughing dissapeared so do you think the fag helped to cure this problem mmmmm i wonder if that is a sin??
Wise answer CF
They are three Chucks in the 19th centery 2 godly ones Chuck Hodge and Chuck Spurgon and one satanic Chuck, Chuck Russell.
Let's Talk about Chuck Spurgon. Did you know he smoked like a chimmny? Well kind of.
Check this out
dont blame the witnesses, its the bible's fault.. well you can blame them for trying to stick to the thing, but belief in the bible is the main problem.. i've heard the gb and witnesses be called evil by some, as though they have gone out to hurt people on purpose.. but i doubt that this is true, at least in recent times.. no the problem comes from believing the bible is god's word and trying to interpret it and follow it.. what happens when you do so?.
you get the catholic inquisition,people burnt at the stake,you get jews fighting for a promised land, religious groups who let their children die and a host of other problems.. i ask a question.if you were god and were going to have a book written on how man should live, would you do it in such a way that if misinterpeted or taken too literaly or mistranslated slightly , could result in the death and suffering of thousands of people,and would enslave people to false religious beliefs?.
yes there are good points and principles in the bible, mainly the words of jesus, who didn't write any of it himself.. but a few good principles don,t outweight the bad done in the name of the bible through the past 2000 years.. the society has tried to follow the bible, and take it for real .in doing so they have had to take on beliefs and ideas that can ultimatly cause harm.. it is like me reading a instruction manuel for my car, that is a fake written by a non-expert.if i follow that manuel , although it may not be all wrong, some instuctions could be in error and cause damage to my car and risk injury to other people.. if people then come along after and say "well its not the manuel thats wrong , you've just misunderstood it , look if you do it this way,that way..".
Christ is present where ever his truth is proclaimed.
We teach that the true church is marked by
1. The proclamation of the truth of his word (gospel rightly preaches, the historic redemptive acts of Christ leading to the proclamation of justification by faith alone which is an act of God alone.)
2. Proper adminastration of the sacraments (unfortunatly this is a sticky point with baptist and lutherens
3. Church disapline (and on the positive end church decipleship)
Bible believing christians like:
Orthodox Presbyterian Church
Presbyterian Church in America
Reformed Presbyterian Church in North America
Reformed Church in the United States
United Reformed Church
As well as verious calvinistic baptist churches that hold on to the 1689 London Baptist confession
and other verious independent local reformed congragational churched that subscribe truely to the Westminster Confession Standards, Three Formes of Unity or the Salvoy Decloration of faith.
ARE true churches
Roman Catholic church on the otherhand is a false and SATANIC APOSTATE church. and the Westminster Confession of Faith rightly declairs
"There is no other head of the Church but the Lord Jesus Christ: nor can the Pope of Rome in any sense be head thereof; but is that Antichrist, that man of sin and son of perdition, that exalteth himself in the Church against Christ, and all that is called God."
beer seems to be as common a drink in the old testament as is wine (isaiah 24:9), although it was not available in the desert (deut.
it was poured as a libation to yahweh (numbers 28:7) and was drunk at sacrificial banquets at the sanctuary (deut.
14:26) it should be noted that the new world translation calls it "intoxicating liquor" and some translations have "strong drink.
One major reason is because of the leagalism and moralism that came from 19th centry revivalism and the abstanance movement that lead to the Volsted act.
Bible Believing Reformed Christianity's official position DOES NOT PROHIBIT alcoholic beverages but gives liberty to enjoy such beverages.
Bible believing stalwarts of the past and present have written for the defence of the christian drinking boooze. Such as:
Charles Spurgon
Charles Hodge
Archabald Alexander
B.B. Warfield
J. Grechem Mechan
Greg Bahnson
Michael Horton
and so on......
2 books I recoment
1. Jim West---Drinking with Calvin and Luther
2. Ken Gentry---God gave Wine
I hope I can help
thanks to (where would we be without those guys?
) i've just received my copy of the new book "awakening of a jehovah's witness" by dianne wilson (published by prometheus books, 2002).. the dust jacket carries these words: "her engrossing first-hand account will be of great interest to former witnesses, students of cult phenomena, anyone who has ever experienced an abusive relationship, those who want to learn more about what compels people to enter this group, and all who have everhad contact with jehovah's witnesses.".
it looks like a good read, all 327 pages of it, just going by the table of contents.
sounds like a good book
Does anyone here have info on the cult Unification church "moonies"?
has anyone out there read the book by edmond gruss entitled: jehovah's witnesses: their claims, doctrinal changes, and prophetic speculation.
what does the record show?
haven't read it and was wondering if it was worth picking up.. thanks!.
I did it to show I personally Know him..........
and Dwane Magniani
and Don Nelson
I'm kinda old school x-j-dub
I know all the former dudes that did witnessing to the JW's
Even though I wished I would of meet Bill Setner and Walter Martin but the Lord took them.
Your advise is wise I try not to make the same mistake again,
has anyone out there read the book by edmond gruss entitled: jehovah's witnesses: their claims, doctrinal changes, and prophetic speculation.
what does the record show?
haven't read it and was wondering if it was worth picking up.. thanks!.
Look I'll get a free copy from him since I'm down here in L.A.