Right on Jeremy. And by their own reasoning getting a speeding ticket should be a bad thing?
JoinedPosts by claudia
Can someone fill me in please?
by claudia incan someone fill me in on this quote i took from a jw board?
since when is skydiving a no no?
Can someone fill me in please?
by claudia incan someone fill me in on this quote i took from a jw board?
since when is skydiving a no no?
LOL, Outcast thats really funny. yeah I go there once in a while, I end up getting really irritated and they are such cornballs.
Can someone fill me in please?
by claudia incan someone fill me in on this quote i took from a jw board?
since when is skydiving a no no?
Comf, thanks for your response, but why cant I find it in the bible?
Can someone fill me in please?
by claudia incan someone fill me in on this quote i took from a jw board?
since when is skydiving a no no?
Can someone fill me in on this quote i took from a jw board? Since when is skydiving a no no? Sheesh! How the hell do they know what gods stand on skydiving is!
"The scariest thing I have done is fall off a horse(accidentally,of course)But I would like to try skydiving,though I won,t,because of Jehovah and his stand on it.
Prince, now Jehovah's Witness, swears off cursing
by PerFect inis this for real??
anyone heard of this?.
source: http://www.cnn.com/2001/showbiz/music/05/28/people.prince.ap/index.html.
Joel I agree 100%! I know a woman who does everything BUT curse. Shes born again, has a fit when anyone even says "shit", meanwhile she has premarrital sex, lies to the state , changes price tags in the store and many other things. But curse words are such a big sin.
Ministers of Manipulation
by Victor_E ini would like to share with all my experience i had yesterday in visiting a non-denominational church in juarez mexico yesterday, at the insistence of a colleague of mine who is a psychologist.
we got there fifteen minutes late and we walked into a building with some three thousand people.
on stage was a music group singing religious songs working the crowed into a state of emotionalism frenzy.
Jan, do you still have the jesus witness list?
Ministers of Manipulation
by Victor_E ini would like to share with all my experience i had yesterday in visiting a non-denominational church in juarez mexico yesterday, at the insistence of a colleague of mine who is a psychologist.
we got there fifteen minutes late and we walked into a building with some three thousand people.
on stage was a music group singing religious songs working the crowed into a state of emotionalism frenzy.
Victor, that is actually scarey. I think I once had a nightmare like that. Fred, I bet youre a hoot at home.
You Know, what a clown
by Cygnus ini see you know is back.
i haven't been keeping up with the boards in some time, but i see that robert is still here, trying to support his rather unique blend of larouche/rutherfordian end-time predictions.. well, i happened across the thread between yk and amazing, and i noticed that yk once again had his facts in error.
he said that larouche got 25% of the democratic primary vote in arkansas in 2000. i assume he meant 2000, because larouche wasn't close to 25% in 1996. well, the fact is that larouche only got 21.53% of the primary vote in arkansas in 2000. is that such a big number so as to make larouche a real, viable candidate?
Are you the same cygnus as on h2o?
Interesting ex-christian quotes
by claudia in"it is a counterfeit love that is contingent upon authority, punishment, or reward.
true love is respect and admiration, compassion and kindness, freely given by a healthy, unafraid human being.".
- dan barker, losing faith in faith.
"It is a counterfeit love that is contingent upon authority, punishment, or reward. True love is respect and admiration, compassion and kindness, freely given by a healthy, unafraid human being."
- Dan Barker, Losing Faith in Faith
"Let me make one thing perfectly clear: I do not reject Christianity because of my desire to go around sinning without any guilt; I reject Christianity because I have closely examined its claims and I have found them to be unsubstantiated."
Roger Martin.
"I was constantly trying to smash the square pegs of what I was learning from science, sociology, psychology, history and comparative religion into the round hole of my conservative Christian paradigm. [........] . I reached the point where I was bordering on biochemical treatment for depression because my mind was always wrestling with philosophical problems and not getting acceptable solutions. Julian Huxley had a similar experience, which he described as developing a "thought tumor."
Dan Lewandowski
"The most annoying thing is that all the people who used to be my fellow Xians and used to believe that I was as good as the rest of them explained my losing-of-my-faith away by claiming that I "probably never had any faith anyway" or "It's just a rough period, you'll return to Jesus". I know that for that period of my life I had absolute faith and devotion and then to be told that you probably didn't is insulting."
Ben Creagh Brown
How does one become a JW???
by Downdog01 inevery source i've looked at is very vague and my witness friends just keep encouraging me to stop asking questions and come to meetings.
my sense is, since i disagree so much with jw doctrine and the way it is presented in awake and especially watchtower that i'd never make it as a jw.
still i am curious what the process is and what "tests" if any one must pass.. any info will be much appreciated.. thanks,.
Old Hippie, where have you been hiding?