I like what Mal said in Firefly, "Everybody dies... Somebody's carrying a bullet for you right now and doesn't even know it. The trick is to die of old age before it finds you."
I don't think any one of us would want to die next week unless you're suffering in excruciating pain from a terminal illness. I'm just now starting to be ok with the idea that there may not be an afterlife. I haven't resigned myself to that belief yet, but it no longer causes the dread that I used to have. The only regret that I would have about dying next week is that I did not wake up sooner so that I would have had children of my own that I can pass on my own values to.
If you live your life to appreciate the small moments, you can experience what many have called "an eternity in a second". I've experienced those seconds and look forward to experiencing many more. Even if I never have children of my own, I know that I have and I will have an impact on the world around us. Even if no one remembers my name 100 years from now, that doesn't mean that my life had no value. Everything we do has an impact (think of the butterfly effect). What we do today will never be done again in the same time and space. It is forever written in space-time.
These thoughts are what keep me sane after waking up from a life where I lived for a future and put off everything today. I've started to learn how to live for today. How to not put things off. How to make a difference. How to say "I love you" frequently to those that I care about.
To summarize: Would I be ok with dying next week? No. I've just woken up and I want to live. Would I be ok with dying next year or the year after that? I'd rather it be like the bullet with my name on it and not know it was coming.