Thank you for your posts. It's encouraging to know that there are some who are more rational within the org. I too agree that some teachings of JWs have merit. I don't agree that I need to belong to JWs in order to be saved. I may stay, but only because of family. I think there are plenty of other ways to spread the good news other than knocking on doors or standing by a cart.
I hope that more rational JWs will continue to awaken, but there is no way that they can affect change. The org does not allow change from the R&F. The only change is from the top. They have repeatedly shown that the only time they will change is when forced to because of laws, court cases, or money. Maybe when the money dries up, they will start to realize how they have deviated from Christ.
It's hard to live a double-life though and I'm not sure I can keep up the pretense that I believe all that the GB spouts. I think that is what many have issue with as well.
I look forward to more discussions with you in the future.
- TL