The Center for Immigration Studies
Wow, calling a turd a rose doesn't make it smell any sweeter, and putting a well-researched, seemingly inocuous name on the KKK wouldn't lessen in any way their bigotry would it?
In all fairness you might not have read their mission statement. You might not have noticed that THEY PAY REPORTERS WHO GET ANTI-IMMIGRATION PAPERS PRINTED!
Can I repeat that? They pay reporters to print favorable (meaning anti-immigrant) stories!
Here is a quote from the site:
"Even though illegal aliens make little use of welfare, from which they are generally barred"
Isn't this in direct contradiction to the "facts" you copied from the site? How can you possibly give them credence when they directly contradict their own "facts".
Did you note that they don't just asses the "costs" of ILLEGAL immigration, but they also investigate the costs of immigration.
Did you really want to list people like this as "proof" that you are right? Anyway, don't know about you but people who don't speak English, have no skills, have no education and are here illegally are no threat to my job. If an American worker can't compete against that, then how can you possibly help them? How far would you have to lower the bar?