WOW you are good Blondie!
I'm planning on sending a recorder for the CO talk just in case there is some "new light" that I can share with JWD
i guess next week will mark the co visit at my congo.
should be loads of fun for all since last time he publicly humiliated and literally tongue lashed the yoots for dressing worldly and the moms for letting their children cry.. the 20 something guys had the audacity to wear flashy ties and dark shirts, the baby room was being used by a korean book study and it was raining outside.
wtf were the moms supposed to do with their kids when there was literally no place to put them.. something that i found very interesting was that i was exempt from the flashy tie and dark shirt thing even though i made it a point to stand in front of him and take off my coat while discussing the down pour after the meeting.
WOW you are good Blondie!
I'm planning on sending a recorder for the CO talk just in case there is some "new light" that I can share with JWD
i guess next week will mark the co visit at my congo.
should be loads of fun for all since last time he publicly humiliated and literally tongue lashed the yoots for dressing worldly and the moms for letting their children cry.. the 20 something guys had the audacity to wear flashy ties and dark shirts, the baby room was being used by a korean book study and it was raining outside.
wtf were the moms supposed to do with their kids when there was literally no place to put them.. something that i found very interesting was that i was exempt from the flashy tie and dark shirt thing even though i made it a point to stand in front of him and take off my coat while discussing the down pour after the meeting.
I guess next week will mark the CO visit at my congo. Should be loads of fun for all since last time he publicly humiliated and literally tongue lashed the ¨yoots¨ for dressing ¨worldly¨ and the Moms for ¨letting¨ their children cry.
The 20 something guys had the audacity to wear ¨flashy¨ ties and dark shirts, the baby room was being used by a Korean book study and it was raining outside. WTF were the Moms supposed to do with their kids when there was literally no place to put them.
Something that I found very interesting was that I was exempt from the ¨flashy¨ tie and dark shirt thing even though I made it a point to stand in front of him and take off my coat while discussing the down pour after the meeting. Kind of proves that these effers are nothing but bullies if you ask me.
Anyway, Brother Love is coming and Book Study and School are both changed to different nights. WTF is up with that I wonder. The ONE person in the congo who doesn´t work has everyone´s schedule changed so he doesn´t miss a TV program or something? I really can't think of any other reason. The guy IS after all a guest of the congregation and I always thought that the guests follow the system in place.
Do Dubs think the CO's etc are better than the R&F? I just don't get it but find it very presumptious that one person would expect 70-80 to adjust their schedules AND HE DON"T FARKING WORK!
over the past couple of weeks, i've learned a lot about myself and those around me.
life might suck, but life moves on.. mom's grip is weakening, prob.
because she's getting tired, or because she's beginning to realize how things are.. not everything i have done is admirable, but its done.
And in the UK I believe it is an offence to interfere with the Royal Mail
And we all know how backwards the laws are there! They´d probably jail the letter carrier if he ever got robbed!
estimados amigos:.
como ya os he presentado en un correo anterior, soy el creador de una pagina web cuya direccion es os pido a los que podais colaborar con esta pagina con algun articulo, experiencia o cualquir otra cosa relacionada con la watchtower me la hagais llegar y la publicare en la pagina.
os estare muy agradecido por vuestra ayuda.
No se pero me choca ver vos u os en esta pagina.
Los Espanoles hablan con canicas en la boca.
over the past couple of weeks, i've learned a lot about myself and those around me.
life might suck, but life moves on.. mom's grip is weakening, prob.
because she's getting tired, or because she's beginning to realize how things are.. not everything i have done is admirable, but its done.
Thought you would like a re-cap of what happened when I called Vern on Wed @ 7:30 or so....
A brother with a hi-pitched squeaky kind of voice answered and I asked for Chuck. I guess I sounded a little too black so the brother repeated "Chuuuuck, Chuuuuuck why do you want to talk to him and who's calling?" just in a VERY sarcastic and disparaging tone.
I made up the name just to see how Christian they would be to a wrong number but why would he ask "who's calling?" to a wrong number?
In very few words I played it out a bit and made him get nasty which was very easy to do.
I called back in three minutes and complained about the Brother to the next person that answered using phrases like "non-Christian"etc. and "treat people like dirt" änd "just like what happened to the red-haired kid" Now they REALLY wanted to know who was calling. I hung up. Good Times Richie, post the number again so we can all call Vern and congratulate him.
Funny thing is I was at the local University today and guess who had a table set up. I didn't have much time but I did get them to agree that a person should trust in one who has always been trustworthy and be wary of people who always lie.
As soon as they agreed I started rattling off rapid-fire 1914, 1975, 1995, higher education, organ transplants, blood fractions, UN and a dozen other things I thought of. I then asked them "Do you still agree that liars should not be trusted"? When they just kind of stood there I just told them "cult" and walked off
You are better off without this bunch of hypocrites.
i rented a house in the late !970's and the contents in the home were given to me.. it happened to be books: ( making my life happy, revelation, children bible stories, listening to the great teacher ) i was enjoying the reading.. -----------------------------------.
a few years later began to notice awake magazines in doctor offices, and other public places and read them and enjoyed them.. ------------------------------------.
late 1980's my 7th son was 2 yrs.
If you´re content, then we are happy for you.
Then again, if you were content you wouldn´t be here would you.
i do not agree with your reading of "policy".
i base this on personal experience on a couple of fronts.
1. i have yet to come across a single verifiable of a cover up.
Are you deliberately ignorant?
Look at the chart that AS posted. Components from all four groups are acceptable.
when it comes to talks and study articles about marriage, why is the emphasis always put on the husband about making the marriage work, over emphasis on husbands loving their wife?
women are just as equally responsible for what happens in marriages, yet the wtbs devotes 3/4 of an article on what husbands should be doing and 1/4 on wives, and thats only to be submissive and be respectful, how sad!
Probably because Dub men would otherwise be wife beaters and child abusers. They need the control because too many years in a cult has screwed them up
ok i know it was not just upstate new york that had this problem.
of all the jw weddings i went to, i can think of 3 that were catered.
all the rest, the congregation members paid for.
My nephew got married at the Waldorf Astoria in NYC.
The total bill was over $240,000 which I believe.
I liked mine better no pot luck but M.I.L. and friends catered in her kitchen and we used the local VFW hall. Just more ¨real¨ to watch two young people get married in a simple way if you know what I mean rather than in the ball room at a 500 dollar per night hotel.
last summer i went to a wedding of a relative that is a witness.
we're not disfellowshipped or disassociated, but have been inactive for about ten years.
because no one mentions our history to others, very few members of our relatives congregations, even know we used to be witnesses.
No candy-gum-etc at the Conventions Mary.
Jehoover will get mad that a three y-o dares to desecrate his temple thus.
I offered to c@ck punch an attendant who did something similar to me. Usually they don´t bother with the ¨wild¨ unspiritual Dubz concentrating control only on the controllable.
You know what a freak Tom Cruise is right, Dubs are equally as self'righteous and would perform equally stupid tricks given the opportunity and publicity