The CO is coming and BOY is he loving!

by MinisterAmos 53 Replies latest jw experiences

  • MinisterAmos

    I guess next week will mark the CO visit at my congo. Should be loads of fun for all since last time he publicly humiliated and literally tongue lashed the ¨yoots¨ for dressing ¨worldly¨ and the Moms for ¨letting¨ their children cry.

    The 20 something guys had the audacity to wear ¨flashy¨ ties and dark shirts, the baby room was being used by a Korean book study and it was raining outside. WTF were the Moms supposed to do with their kids when there was literally no place to put them.

    Something that I found very interesting was that I was exempt from the ¨flashy¨ tie and dark shirt thing even though I made it a point to stand in front of him and take off my coat while discussing the down pour after the meeting. Kind of proves that these effers are nothing but bullies if you ask me.

    Anyway, Brother Love is coming and Book Study and School are both changed to different nights. WTF is up with that I wonder. The ONE person in the congo who doesn´t work has everyone´s schedule changed so he doesn´t miss a TV program or something? I really can't think of any other reason. The guy IS after all a guest of the congregation and I always thought that the guests follow the system in place.

    Do Dubs think the CO's etc are better than the R&F? I just don't get it but find it very presumptious that one person would expect 70-80 to adjust their schedules AND HE DON"T FARKING WORK!

  • blondie
    Brother Love is coming and Book Study and School are both changed to different nights. WTF is up with that I wonder

    This prodedure has been in place for almost 30 years. The concept is that the CO will start out the "week of service" with an abbreviated school and service meeting, to get the rank and file whipped up for field servcie on Wednesday through Sunday.

    *** km 9/77 p. 4 New Arrangements for Congregation Organization ***

    It is recommended that the Theocratic School and the service meeting be held on Tuesday of his visit. The regular Theocratic School and a 30-minute service meeting will be followed by the circuit overseer’s closing service talk, for a total session of two hours, including the songs and prayers.

  • MinisterAmos

    WOW you are good Blondie!

    I'm planning on sending a recorder for the CO talk just in case there is some "new light" that I can share with JWD

  • LDH

    Minister, I hate to say it but I hope he keeps right on beating people up emotionally.

  • mkr32208

    I hope this time one of the disgruntled mom's kicks his a$$ for him!

    Something like this would be good

  • seawolf
    Minister, I hate to say it but I hope he keeps right on beating people up emotionally.

    We can always hope that they start to choke after that fine, spiritual food and give themselves the heimlich right out of the hall for good.

  • outnfree

    I must say that one of the many reasons I left the organization was the last CO's talk that I heard. It left me in tears feeling like a real loser because I wasn't doing all that I should be for the organization Jehovah. I was so weary of hearing that I wasn't good enough, through a talk that was always heralded as being UPBUILDING, yet actually placed more heavy weights on my already-burdened psyche.

    And I was Sister Always Prepared with Unbelieving Mate and Ten Hours of Field Service including Family Study!

  • candidlynuts

    i thought CO's were something special and their visit was something to look forward to up till the mid 80s...

    one visited that HATED children.. he had some kind of real psychological hang up about children. i was repulsed by his attitude. then on sunday afternoon after his talk,my ex was talking to one of the elders about how this guy was about kids and the elder evidently didnt like him either.. he told my ex and i that the co had said " if the congregations hours dont meet the national average regularly before his return, he was going to have the entire elder body removed and replaced" and he was all worried about his position security.

    total sales meeting mentality.. this was a great congregation, very large black congregation with lots of studies and new ones coming in and instead of loving the fact that new ones were being brought in this company man demands the numbers look good on paper!

    it was one of the first times i thought that something was really wrong with the religion. but i shook it off for 10 yrs because i figured i must be crazy thinking negative thoughts about Jehovahs arrangement.

  • Finally-Free

    I suspect that most COs are unskilled in addition to having no social graces or other redeeming qualities. That's why they're COs. They'd never last in any workplace or keep customers due to their personalities. If the society ever saw fit to discontinue their program of sending transient bullies to the congregations these jokers would probably starve.


  • blondie

    I have met several COs (and wives) that were very good with children. All but one had been parents and were grandparents and the children loved them and vice versa.

    I think it just depends on their background.

    I did see a DO once at a circuit assembly address a sister with a crying baby directly from the platforum during his talk. After that the "rule" was 3 squawks and the attendants were to be there to escort parent and child out of the auditorium. That rule is still applied in certain areas.


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