Check into Michael C. Ruppert's book, "Crossing the Lubicon." It's about 911 and who he fingers.
Just to set the record straight... Mike Ruppert wrote Crossing the Rubicon. Paul Martin wrote Crossing the Lubicon having nothing to do with 9/11... same as the WT pics have nothing to do with it. Pics like this have surfaced many times since 9/11, they're without substance and in this case, used just as a by-product of hatred for the WTS.
For the facts about the 9/11 cover up, research the internet. Talk and listen to those who witnessed the attacks. Read the insights of those who with prior knowledge to 9/11. Take Rig Boy's advice: Open your eyes and ears.
Read some of the writers who aren't concerned with being on best-seller lists. Listen to other than mainstream up on Operation Mockingbird. The truth and facts, not theories and speculation, are all there.
Now...... on to the REAL conspiracy --
Here's a conspiracy. I started a thread which seems to have dissappeared...
What DID happen to Benjamin's thread??????????????