Seriously though Jesustm more than likely had one. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander
i used to think the exact same thing!!!! Im like WTF, never seen the son of God, clean shaven in any pics, soon as he left his carpenters apprenticeship he was sporting a flavour-saver, and in EVERY picture, our beloved saviour wears a BEARD!!!
Just goes to show, probably some bearded lothario boned a member of the GB's wife, so it got personal. Thats how all Dub dictates are arrived at.
JoinedPosts by skinnyboy
what do you think about.................................
by defd inbeards!
in my congregation it is frowned apon.
a male can have one but he wouldnt get any privilidges and would probably be labeled the black sheep.
ARE JW hopes fading?
by hamsterbait inhow often do you hear:.
"how much longer can it go on?".
"i'm tired (of waiting, being ill, poor, disappointed)".
He's a Pioneerbot from Delusio-tron!
Why have you rejected all forms of faith?
by AlmostAtheist init seems that when a person leaves jw's, there's just no telling where he'll end up spiritually.
christian, jew, pagan, jamesthomasism -- i dare say every faith is represented among us.. but there are those that reject faith altogether.
they are often accused of letting the watchtower steal god from them, or throwing the baby out with the bath.. are you one those that rejected faith altogether after your exit?
faith? that most human of distractions.
You say you beleive in aliens/UFO's etc and people laugh at you. Say you believe in God and your patted on the back! Their both the same, yet i'd be more inclined to belive in aliens because of the sheer probability in our massive universe (which by the way just happened to exist one day :) -
ARE JW hopes fading?
by hamsterbait inhow often do you hear:.
"how much longer can it go on?".
"i'm tired (of waiting, being ill, poor, disappointed)".
are we there yet........
Those poor souls, waiting for Godot! -
Thanks Auld mate!
I'll see about buying it, if not I'll see if one of the aussie members can borrow me a copy. I want to read it NOW! I'd love to send it to my sister to try and get here snapped out of the borg! Would have to change the cover jacket though to an Inpsector Morse novel or something!
I had never heard of this book until recently, yet i was a witness from the age of 4 till about 22, goes to show eh. I'm suprised my dad didn't have a copy, although he was an elder he had some "alternative view" literature that raised a few eyebrows, but most of the RNF didn't have a clue what they were, probably thought they were Elders Teaching Aids! -
not being a tight arse or anything but is it available to download anywhere? Would love to read it. Hey Del, fancy sending yours auspost to me when you finished it? :)
What the heck is going on with the worsening world conditions!!!!!
by PaNiCAtTaCk inanother hurricane and the most powerful on record!!
mudslides, earthquakes, energy prices!
where is all this leading to?
worse? Bring it on I say!!! I remember growing up as a kid and freezing me arse off in winter, fast forward 20 odd years and its like the mediterranean in England now!
Thats one of the reasons I moved to Australia, the climate. Warm people are nicer than cold miserable ones! -
New Light and Sports
by pratt1 in.
although i am pleased when i hear about children of dubs who are pursuing sports at the high school, college and professionally level, it also disturbs me that so many of us in the past lost out on these opportunities because of the rigid views of the dubdum.. a friend of mine that is still active says that many of these changes or new light occurrs because thinking dubs stand up to the elders and make these personal decisions for their family without the advice of elders.. do you ever feel that you should/could stand up for your beliefs even when they are against the advice of elders, eventually you could inspire change within the religion?.
i ask because through out history change has ocurred because of standing up to those in authority.. examples, gandi, martin luther king, susan b. anthony to name just a few.. what are your thoughts?.
I used to mountain bike semi-professionally waaaay back in the early 1990's. I was one of the best downhill riders in the UK. It was just getting off the ground in the UK, and i loved it, being part of something that i had a passion about. Shame my parents didn't care whether i was good or not. Not once did my dad come and support me when i was racing, the other lads dads where there, cheering them on! I had about 10 surrogate dads at that time, who knew more about me than my spacktoid Elder dad did!
I used to go to the sunday meeting and half way through, after the yawning, i mean morning talk, my very understanding mountain bike pals, (Andy you toothless freak ahahha) would beep the horn and park just down the road from the Hall. They used to laugh as I strolled out of the Hall, did a quick glance back at the hall and dive into the van! then i'd whip my tie and suit off in the back of the van, and have my lycras on underneath! I'd tell my parents, "i was at least there for the talk" (yaaaaaaaawn). Then off we'd go to the other ends of England and enjoy ourselves!
I was about 19 or 20, and pretty much had decided it was a crock of shit by then. The rest of the congregation didn't have a clue either. my bike buddies used to ask me loads of stuff about the witnesses, expecting me to preach to them, i used to give them all the inside goss about how to get rid of them, when they will be round next etc... Happy days! -
so what was the best "religious" movie ever made?
by nowisee inten commandments?.
the bible?.
the robe?.
does Samuel L Jackson quoting Ezekiel count?
Contact was intesting, the Book by Carl Sagan was better though. -
shallow men
by Ellie in.
please tell me that not all men are only interested in the size of a girls chest.. come on you men, restore my faith in males.
right on Del mate!
My stock answer to my missus is "If i didn't care about you, do you think i would still be here, listening to your occasional nagging etc.."
You women should really stop reading (if you do) Cosmo, and the like, and stop comparing yourselves to everyone else. If your a good laugh and make us feel special, we will give it back in spades. its that simple. We couldn;t care less if you boobs need a microscope or need a wheel barrow, they stuck to you and we love you, so they come with teh complete package. Most blokes i know, couldn;t give a toss and laugh at the like of these so-called SNAGS, and Metrosexuals, get a grip your supposed to be men, grow some body hair and have a VB!