a man after my own mould!!!
Stirling work old chap! I can just imagine the po-faced arsewipe lauding his pretentious comments, smugly thinking he has "respect" moron!
I hated being an "elders" child, i was rebellious and got meself into more trouble than anyone! I loved it! My weakness was the opposite sex, so a couple of elders daughters would have made a fine quarry!! Should of nailed them then went straight to their dad, and recounted EVERY dirty detail, claiming you were seduced by them, why else where they there other than to get some poontang!
JoinedPosts by skinnyboy
typically ridiculous.
by RichieRich inlast saturday, me and a friend from the hall decided to go to nc state fair together.
i have been told that the state fair is not a big deal in other areas of the country, but here in these parts, it means alot to us, expecially since we live in/near the capital city.
about the friend: he's a year younger than me, and we go to the same school.
shallow men
by Ellie in.
please tell me that not all men are only interested in the size of a girls chest.. come on you men, restore my faith in males.
mmmm boobies!
Personally, i love the boobs, they feel great, look ace, and have a mystical power!
I love me ladies on the bigger side, my mrs is a big lass, and she has the personality to match, thats why i love her, her mind and her filthy laugh attracted her to me first, her big ol' round ass and cute boobies came later!
If you have em girls, flaunt em, men are idiots in general, you don't realise the power of the mammary! -
oh yes, the sunday afternoon "game of football"
We used to play on my old school field, My dad was an elder and he was the biggest yobbo of them all lol! The fights him and the other elders used to get up to in full view of the passing public mind you! Very very competitive, it was like watching lions devour a zebra on Discovery! I used to have the odd kick around with them but they all thought they played for Man Utd or Liverpool!!! And when we had visiting "yobbos" they used to be even worse. My mates brother joined Bethel, and on one of his "celestial" visits back to our humble squat of a congreagtion, he'd bring back the rest of the boorish oiks he met there. Never met a bigger bunch of arrogant pricks in my life. I used to make sure i played then!!!! Nothing beats a dirty tackle from behind and half crippling s Bethelite!!! Teach him to call me a son of a publisher, as i stomped on his arm and mentioned that my father was actually playing and as Presiding Overseer will be contacting his congreagtion on his conduct! tosser! -
Disfellowshipping/ The Biggest Thing to Make You Believe We Had The Truth?
by prophecor ini'm no watchtower apologist, but when i look back on it all, one of the biggest things that made me believe we had the truth was the shear fact that there was a zero tollerance for any and all conduct unbecoming of a christian: fornication, adultery, yada yada yada, many of the crimes the church with thier throngs of adhereants were allowed to get away with were unthinkable in the kingdom hall.
am i missing something?.
doing that which has been done to many of us is ,afterall, scriptural.
if im not mistaken, most religions have the confession, take three hail marys and your conscience is clean, now go my son....
As far as im aware, its only the cults (yes, including the bOrg) that demand absolute adherance (if you dont get caught/spill ya guts) and eject you if you as much as look the wrong way. -
Anyone here from New Zealand?
by bledback2life inhey everybody!!
*feins a nick riviera (a la the simpsons) accent* .
i'm new to these forums.
G'day from me too!
p.s. ya git ya jandles on bra? -
Ever have anyone famous visit your kh?
by tall penguin inall the talk about prince made me think about what it's like when a famous person comes to the kh.
about 2 years ago, terence howard was in toronto filming a movie and attended our kh.
he actually studied with 2 elders while he was here.
george Benson eh.....
My sister went a concert of his way back in the early 90's, well some of the other dubs she went with had been in the US and had met him at his congregation, so they get to go backstage, and the dorty' lil bugger was all over my sister, who's leggy, 6 foot tall and had long hair at the time, she loved it the filthy minx, theother sisters she was with were insanely jealous, and reported her to the elders, saying she was trying to stumble our beloved George, the elders then pulled her to one side and wanted to know who George Benson was!!! -
Do stupid people have more children? What are the implications?
by AlmostAtheist inno offense to those with large families (and no compliment to those with small ones), this is a thread speaking of averages and groups, not specific people and families.
your mileage may vary.
dealer participation will affect consumer cost.
Didn't the Nazis think they had a remedy for that?
They did FHN, it was called eugenics, what started off as an experiment to screen out of the genepool genetic abnormalities and create a healthier Deutchland, turned out to be what history books tell us. There was a doco on the History Channel the other night about it, very interesting.
I think the problem today is the abuse of the welfare system and the lack of education. Plus when people no longer strive for greatness and choose mediocrity as a viable lifestyle choice, the human race is destined to be ruled by the evil few forever! -
What is the latest date now in the WT for Armegeddon?
by Sheepish ini am brand new here tonight, so forgive me if this info is available and i haven't been able to find it.
i heard somewhere that they have now given 2006 as the next possible time?
is this true?
So by that rationale we should all know when the next "terrorist" attack on our "freedoms" is by adding up the dates, and dividing them by the number of members in the "cell" dividing it by the birthdate of Osama, then, carrying the 2, you should come out at...... TODAY??? omg, the horror, do i dare tell anyone of this, or should i keep it to my self lest i feel foolish?
Its about as plausible! -
Do stupid people have more children? What are the implications?
by AlmostAtheist inno offense to those with large families (and no compliment to those with small ones), this is a thread speaking of averages and groups, not specific people and families.
your mileage may vary.
dealer participation will affect consumer cost.
I think judging by current welfare state standards, isn;t it more profitable to have hordes of brats and not work? Then the cycle will continue with their offspring and so-on....
Cut their benefits off!
Maybe they should bring out a sterilisation kit disguised as a Burberry baseball cap. (the english members will know what i mean here) -
by findingmyway inuncertainty's second wave hurricane katrina evacuees face life after the d.c. armory
by theola s. labbe
washington post staff writer.
thats indicative of today really, western culture has our old fogies relegated to Hindrance Class. I live with my mrs' folks, theyre in their 70's and thats the way it is, Greek culture rocks!!
The oldies at my old hall were funny, some right old ravers, i remember one old sister, coming into the literature room, mind you this is back in the late 80's and its when some rbown small book came out, the title escapes me, but she goes in the loudest voice (she was a touch deaf) "have ya got any of dem nigger brown books?" Shocked, well considering the brother doing the duty at that time was of African descent, the irony wasn't lost on him i can tell you. She thought nothing of her comment and the brother who was a good mate of mine just cracked up laughing when she left the room and said he'd get her back!
Never did find out what he got her back with....