shame they can't go on the internet to download it eh Danny! :)
comes bundled with DemonGuard 1.1, FootInDoor V2.1 and a new game, Return Visit, a FPS style game where you have to bombard the householder with tracts but dodge the householders questions about 607 and the UN NGO!
JoinedPosts by skinnyboy
NEW-JW field service SOFTWARE
by DannyHaszard innew paid sponsored .20 cent a click-through addy at jw keywords
jw field service software
track your field service activity!.
Benefits of being a Dub as a child
by pratt1 in.
i can't think of many benefits of growing up a a dub but i do remember that i always viewed the other dub kids as brorthers and sisters and they became my support system amongst the "worldly people".
i remember going into a new neighhood or a new school and knowing that once i met the dub kids there, i would automatically have friends and i would not be alone.. this was especially comforting to me because i was an only child, and many times i entered into a new school not knowing anyone and sometimes being the only black kid in the class, my dub peers made me feel welcome and accepted me into the circle immediately.. for many years i feel special to be part of this worldwide brotherhood, and i am sure it is the reason why now i am inafriad of changes and/or new surroundings.. did you have similar experiences?.
didn't think there were any to be honest.
I found the majority of the Dub kids freaks, and the cool ones, were always in another hall, so i was always feeling like the outsider, but i used to go along with the "Rod and Todd's" because my parents at least brought me up to be nice, but I kinda thought most of them were emotional woe-sponges and full of guilt and the biggest tattle tails i have ever met, i felt like satans spawn next to them because i chose to do what i wanted regardless of the consequences, what they didn't know, didn't hurt them kind of philosophy! (chuckles with impish glee, come and play....)
My biggest regret was never knowing what if! -
The Watchtower's Unbalanced View of the Internet
by VM44 inin articles concerning the internet, some of which have been titled "a balanced view of the internet", the watchtower devotes the first paragraph or two to the benefits that the internet offers and has provided.
then for the rest of the article they go on and on about the dangers and evils of the internet.. they have been consistent in writing in this manner in all the articles they have written concerning the internet.. can the watchtower itself truly be said to have a "balanced" view of the internet?.
is that the official copy? i hope they got the OK from Redmond to use the "windows" window frame.
As usual, silly little parables and stories with un-referenced quotes, booga booga.
The internet never drew out my desires, have you ever tried finding an online support group for people with nazi midget goat riding porn, its all i desire...... -
cor blimey, the bristols on that lass in t' middle o' brain gave me the 'orn!
What's the most controversial thing you ever did in Kingdom Hall?
by JH ini remember scanning real money and with photoshop pasting the picture of an elder on the bill over the face of the queen.
then i printed many bills.
it looked very real.
joizus, where do i start, ok, as regards the Master Bayshun, i cracked one off the wrist regually before a talk, just so i could imagine their horor knowing what i had just done. foul, but their were some fine sisters in our hall whats a small boy to do?
Also was hungover loads of times on a sunday, said Shit out loud when i was startled half asleep when the roving mikes came past. It was audible to the whole cong as the moron had the mike on!
Played all along the watchtower by hendrix, at full belt, on the hall's PA system, on a saturday cleanup day, to be discovered by an elder, as im doing air guitar and leaping off the stage!
Err, had a fight with my mate, just for the hell of it, full punch on, no Queensbury rules!
Had a BJ off a sister during the renovations of our hall, in the back seat of her Opel Rekord!
Stuck condoms I found in my dads drawer on the majority of the cars, in the carpark, exahust pipes.
As you can see I was a model witness. -
Sabotaging one's life...
by Frog ini think that if i don't take the time to post this one out of me i may very well implode:(.
gosh i feel so bloody awful at the moment, and i apologise for laying this on my friends here when i know you all have your own ordeals to deal with.. i've been feeling intensley anxious lately about going home to visit my family at the end of the year.
there's going to be a bit of a family reunion in my home town, which will mainly consist of my immediate family (my never been baptised brother, my disfellowshipped self, and my fence sitter baptised father) and my uncles family (once an elder of 20years, my aunty, their two 20somethings sons who've never been baptised, and my cousin who like me was diss'd a few or so years ago).
josh beat me to it!
sage words TS! I agree, you should have everyright to be suspicious, your not sabotaging you life, your safeguarding your soul from another barrage of emotional warfare. Why should you agree with something just for familys sake? We've all been there and got the crappy tee-shirt. Let them be I say, The thought of you putting yourself through it makes my stomach churn, let alone yours mate. Maybe its too soon for you to trust them to be just family, i would be wary.
big hugs (((((((((((ronnie)))))))))))))
mark -
Melbourne Cup - I didn't win...
by misspeaches inwell while all our american friends are off celebrating halloween in various shapes and forms down under everyone is gathering to watch the biggest horse racing event of the year... .
the melbourne cup!!!
well i placed my bets and was very optimistic about them as i had recieved a hot tip.... .
hahaha we are such a slacker nation eh, do you know of anyother country that loves a horserace so much, it shuts down businesses for a day? What a country! Thats why i love it here, hillbillys in suits and ties!
Melbourne Cup - I didn't win...
by misspeaches inwell while all our american friends are off celebrating halloween in various shapes and forms down under everyone is gathering to watch the biggest horse racing event of the year... .
the melbourne cup!!!
well i placed my bets and was very optimistic about them as i had recieved a hot tip.... .
the Gee-gees are australian tradition, gambling is a national pastime too! If you can bet on the outcome of an event, they do here! I hate gambling, not becuase of my dub roots, but i feel its a waste of money!
Is "Perfection" really desirable?
by JH inimagine the new system where "everybody" is perfect...... people with no faults.... this sounds almost dull to me !!!
i find that there is something attractive about imperfect people, imperfect actions, .
huey lewis lyrics.
depends on you definition of Perfection. If we all had it what a soulless sterile place it would be, we would reject perfectionism if it was given to us. we are free thinking beings and perfection would abhor us, we find delight in lifes little imperfections.
Plus imagine living forever, whats the point of trying anything new, or striving to accomplish anything? Granted, a few more years life to do it might be the go, but to live immortal? shudder at that thought. Its only pathological narcissists who dream about living forever. -
Melbourne Cup - I didn't win...
by misspeaches inwell while all our american friends are off celebrating halloween in various shapes and forms down under everyone is gathering to watch the biggest horse racing event of the year... .
the melbourne cup!!!
well i placed my bets and was very optimistic about them as i had recieved a hot tip.... .
always back a winner, The Diva strikes again!