Thanks CYP for all of your assistance, and I copied that letter JIC I might need it one day
I give him the benefit of the doubt, because he mentions the KH, I get thrown off edge because throughout my life I have run into all kinds of JW's and even alot of formers are a little loco, and I have seen what growing up on a JW household can do.. He just gets on this moral high horse sometimes that makes me nervous . I mentioned before that I love my husband with everything inside of me , I am willing to allow him the time to better his relationship with GOD, because that is his job, there is nothing I can do for his salvation and nothing he can do for mine.. BUT as soon as I feel seperation in my household, I will address it and he will have to deal with it. I have a couple of people I have talked to about the situation in the past and they all know our relationship, and they dont think that he will let anything come in between us, because I mean he really loves me and I know it. Thats one thing I keep close to me..But I am NOT the type to stick around and be beat up (mentally, spiritually or emotionally) .
The only time he got mad at me in regards to that crap is when he said the only way GOD approves divorce is in the case of adultery and I said what if a woman is getting beat up, and he got angry.. I told him he will be alright and we changed the subject....
Let me see if I can answer some of your questions CYP
1. What door did he come through
His Former GF who was Dfed as a teenager, he wanted to marry her she wanted to get reinstated first, then wanted him to get baptised then wanted him to be a Ministers Servant , then a Pioneer.. She was playin him..anyways, he also never really had any friends, no male role models growing up, and didnt have a job, or car, was doing pretty bad for himself, so you know he was a prime canidate at the time.
2. What issues do you care about regarding the dubs
Blood Transfusions, Holidays, Time away from family (especially since I cant understand how he could listen to them talk about everyone not a JW being killed at armegeddon and not think of me differently) They are just looney to me.. they make me laugh, I make fun of them (not in front of him though...) .. He always says that they made him a better person, and I can believe that, but Im an independent thinking, free soul, I do what I want and Im not about to follow a bunch of people..THEY ARE PEOPLE, they are no better than me!!! I shouldnt have to prove to any PERSON whether or not Im worthy and that JMPO on it...
I noticed you didn't comment on the questions I recommended. Do you think they won't work in your case? Don't worry, you won't hurt my feelings. The difficult part for a ubm critiquer is that there is just so darn much we don't know about your relationship or where things are from a perspective of timing.
Im still researching alot of stuff, plus I mean he hasnt even gone to ONE meeting since we have been married, Im just loading my guns because he will go back eventually and before he starts gettting all Zombie and everything I want to just be prepared so I can TRY and nip it in the BUD, beause honestly if I knew he would go back to be a witness, I wouldnt have married him, even as much as I love him..