This would make a great Christmas card!
JoinedPosts by Wild_Thing
The day the GB said OK to Christmas
by fredPotato ini was just imagining how it would look like if one day jws were allowed to celebrate christmas again:.
so i put together this montage.. .
wouldn't it be a thrill?
Australian Government publishes on official web site the current Jehovah's Witnesses "Handling of Child Abuse" confidential letter to all bodies of elders (October 1, 2012)
by jwleaks inthe current jehovah's witnesses official child abuse handling procedure letter to all bodies of elders (october 1, 2012) has been placed into public domain by the australian (victoria) government "inquiry into the handling of child abuse by religious oganisations".. official government web site link to letter:.
short link:.
What's interesting is this letter looks like it was intended for only U.S. congregations. Was this officially to all congregations world wide?
What happens after you get the registered letter?
by paul from cleveland inmy friend's daughter, who was baptized at 14, has decided to leave the witnesses.
she's in her early 20's.
she's stopped going to meeting a while ago and moved in with her father who is disfellowshipped.
I had a friend who had the local elders that kept trying to get her to come to a judicial committee, and they ended up disfellowshipping her in absentia. Two elders dressed up in suits showed up at her work asking for her so they could inform her in person that she had been disfellowshipped. Her boss thought they were the FBI looking for her!
In your memory, what was the nicest day you had out in field service?
by LoisLane looking for Superman infor me, that happy day was in morro bay, calif. it was the fall, oct 1958 or 9. gorgeous weather.
the sun was shining and the wind was coming off of the ocean.. at that time, morro bay was unassigned territory.. talesin on another thread was talking about a lovely day she had, going with her grandfather, talking with a mr languages.
I have two stories:
1) Friday field service always consisted of going on return visits that were close to, or on the way to, garage sales the pioneers had mapped out. Well, one Friday, there was a rich, fancy subdivision that was having a neighborhood garage sale. The only problem was that it was outside our territory and in the territory of another Kingdom Hall. We all swore each other to secrecy and went, stopping at laundrymats on the way, to keep our time going. I was a young teen pioneer when this happened, and it felt fun to be a bit of a rebel with the rest of the pioneers! Either they kept doing it or someone found out, but they totally got busted for it, and never did it again! (That I know of!)
2) The other pleasant memory happened when I was kid and we drove many, many miles to work unassigned territory. It was deep in the woods and I found the biggest piece of petrified wood I had ever seen! It was quite a find for a 10 year old. I still have it today!
Possible announcement in October....
by Skinnedsheep inpure speculation for several reasons.. "friends, it has been 100 momentous years since christ arrived as king.
in the last 100 years a great shout of praise has gone up to jehovah.
technology has greatly changed the way people live and communicate and jehovah has made sure that his organization is on the forefront of these changes.
This will never happen. I do foresee all the pioneers carrying around iPads in their bookbags. (If they don't already.)
I also think it's possible that they may start taking more advantage of all the technology they have always shunned. I know they have started already, but I think it's possible we might start seeing paid ads over the internet to advertise their website, or even paid spots over TV.
There are also many other avenues they could exploit. They could have their own channel on iTunes. Also, Roku has channels, and many of them are from religious affiliations. I can see them putting up their little cartoons and poorly done bible dramas on there.
Do they have their own YouTube channel yet? I think they will ... if there is a way to disable commenting. They won't use anything that would enable 2 way communication.
Everybody is doing it !
by new hope and happiness inpostmen, accountants, window cleaners, pop-songers- even you!
yes these days everybody - and anybody - seem to be leaving the jehovers why should you be left out?.
there was a time when you had to have performed some terrible service to the g.b?
I immediately heard the Reading Rainbow soundbyte in my head after reading your post ...
But don't take my word for it ...
How old were you when you left the Watchtower - SURVEY
by usualusername ini believe that the older you are the harder it is to leave the watchtower.. .
i am attempting to get a list of ages people learnt the "truth" and what age they left.. .
Also, I think how hard it is to leave has more to do with how old you were when you left. I think it has to do with how indoctrinated you are. I was homeschooled for most of my childhood, my father was an elder, my mother was a pioneer for a lot of my childhood, ALL of my family were witnesses, and needless to say, I was pretty indoctrinated. It was VERY hard to leave.
How old were you when you left the Watchtower - SURVEY
by usualusername ini believe that the older you are the harder it is to leave the watchtower.. .
i am attempting to get a list of ages people learnt the "truth" and what age they left.. .
I was in the borg 0-24. I learned TTATT at 16, but it took me that long to get out.
Drama: Not ONE word has failed! Regional Convention 2014
by OneDayillBeFree inlooks like the borg spent all it's money on hd panels, gigabit internet connections and ipads cause this is by far the lamest and most stupid drama ever in the history of the org!.
apart from the worse than porn-without-the-porn acting and dialogue, the special effects consist of square painted panels and a crappy blue screen.
also the lighting looks like it was made using flashlights.. even the die hards we're laughing at it and mentioned how silly it looked.. i envy all of those that aren't attending this "historic 100-years-since-christ's-reign" convention.. .
I have to see this monstrosity for myself on video. The audio in Spanish does nothing for me. Mostly because I can't understand it.
Five Jehovahs Witnesses traveling to convention feared to have drowned. Western Region, Ghana
by Sol Reform infive jehovahs witnesses traveling to convention feared to have drowned.
western region, ghana.
That's so sad! And did they have to use that picture for the story??? OMG!