Everyone has their own path out of the madness. She will make her way out when she's ready! I think it so great she has you as a friend. I am guessing now that the two of you have an understanding that you are not stumbling each other, more interesting conversations about the organization may ensue!
JoinedPosts by Wild_Thing
I hope I'm not stumbling you, she said as we sipped drinks at the track...I
by MissFit ini have a sweet jw friend.
she is elderly and had heart problems and is hard of hearing.. she is a tiny thing and very loving.
she is a convert and had been "in" for around 20 years.. she came "in "after her divorce.. we started hanging out together a couple years ago when i called her for a ride to the meetings.. .
List of Trademark Applications made by the Watchtower (JW.ORG was Refused!)
by Wild_Thing intl;dr: jw.org and jw library is not trademarked because the us patent office keeps refusing their application.
i don't think either will ever be trademarked, as their design currently stands.
jw rank & file can make all the cheap promotional crap they want and the watchtower can't do a thing about it (legally anyway.).
Trademarks owned by the International Bible Students Association in the United Kingdom:
What does this sentence mean?
by Doug Mason inthe very first sentence of the topic "inspiration" at "insight on the scriptures" volume 1, page 1202 reads:.
"the quality or state of being moved by or produced under the direction of a spirit from a superhuman source.".
is it defining "inspiration" as a "quality or state"?.
What it is saying is that they do not know what the hell they are talking about.
I am more disturbed by the phrase " under the direction of a spirit from a superhuman source" than them saying it is a "quality or state".
Stick with Merriam-Webster's definition: : something that makes someone want to do something or that gives someone an idea about what to do or create : a force or influence that inspires someone
I hope I'm not stumbling you, she said as we sipped drinks at the track...I
by MissFit ini have a sweet jw friend.
she is elderly and had heart problems and is hard of hearing.. she is a tiny thing and very loving.
she is a convert and had been "in" for around 20 years.. she came "in "after her divorce.. we started hanging out together a couple years ago when i called her for a ride to the meetings.. .
That is great news, MissFit! Its so funny. She must have been worrying about that for a long time.
You should give her this website and others to help make the mental break, too.
List of Trademark Applications made by the Watchtower (JW.ORG was Refused!)
by Wild_Thing intl;dr: jw.org and jw library is not trademarked because the us patent office keeps refusing their application.
i don't think either will ever be trademarked, as their design currently stands.
jw rank & file can make all the cheap promotional crap they want and the watchtower can't do a thing about it (legally anyway.).
TL;DR: JW.ORG and JW LIBRARY is NOT trademarked because the US Patent office keeps refusing their application. I don't think either will ever be trademarked, as their design currently stands. JW Rank & File can make all the cheap promotional crap they want and the Watchtower can't do a thing about it (legally anyway.)
Recently I have become interested in which symbols the Watchtower society has trademarked and currently own.
Here is a list of all applications for trademarks made by the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society of Pennsylvania to the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Two symbols they have recently been trying to trademark are JW.ORG and JW LIBRARY. Both have been initially refused, but they are still trying to get it trademarked.
The application to trademark JW.ORG and JW LIBRARY was refused because they say it could be confused with trademarks of other companies. It was also refused because of minor errors in wording on the application that can be easily fixed.
What is interesting is that the JW.ORG symbol they are trying to trademark is NOT the same symbol they are using on their website and literature. The dot is in the wrong place. I wonder how long it will take for the bafoons in New York to realize they are trying to trademark the wrong symbol!
Here is the symbol they are trying to trademark along with the other trademarks that the US Patent Office says might cause confusion. Notice where the dot is:
This trademark is owned by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. They sell educational material. The Watchtower argued that this symbol would not cause confusion and won. The Patent office withdrew their refusal on their application based on this trademark (but not the other trademark you will see below!)
This symbol is trademarked by LongTail Ad Solutions, Inc. for downloadable computer software for playing, viewing and streaming audio and video files. The Watchtower argued against this causing confusion too, but they lost. The latest communication from the Patent office to the Watchtower stated that their refusal to trademark JW.ORG based on it being confused with the symbol below is final. The Watchtower has until September 12, 2014 to respond or the application will be abandoned.
The Watchtower's application to trademark JW LIBRARY has been refused for the same reason. Notice the similarity of JW PLAYER to JW LIBRARY:
The society has until August 26, 2014 to respond to the US Patent's office final refusal of their application or the application will be abadoned.
Let The Watchtower Show You That The Bible Contains Myth And Legend
by metatron ini was fascinated by a recent wt (aug.'14) article that illustrates how original bible accounts could change and transform over time, even with the best of motives.. stories can grow over time, gain 'new details' and be altered by well-intentioned people.
like catching a fish that seems to grow bigger in the retelling.. the august wt has a secondary article about joseph - which applies the story to modern day problems with "blended" families (so, similar in a way to ancient polygamous extended families).. the article asserts that jacob loved his son joseph in particular because his son was so faithful and righteous, perhaps giving him a special coat as a reward for his good behavior..... which is false because genesis 37 makes clear that he loved joseph because he was 'the son of his old age', in other words, a novelty or sign that the "old guy still had it and could get it up!".
understandable but not terribly noble.. however, that bit of history isn't good enough for the watchtower so they shift the information to fit their modern day narrative about stepfamilies.. now, i understand that the story of joseph has good counsel about forgiveness in a family.
The bible was written years after any of the actually events happened. Then, they were rewritten and rewritten and translated and retranslated. There is no telling what REALLY happened or who said what.
At this point in my life, I am leaning toward the notion that Jesus was a simple human, like you and me. I think he was charasmatic and created a new cult following, who after many years, changed his story into a tall tale of sorts, like the tale of Paul Bunyan. There might be a shred of truth, but not much.
This week's WT study...made me so sick.....
by stuckinarut2 inthis week's study april 15th 2014 was called "do you see the one who is invisible?".
it was perhaps one of the most depressing, controlling, fear-mongering, stress inducing, doctrinally incorrect, hate-inspiring, judgemental, cult-like, irrational, hyped-up, critical, crazy, stretched out, fanciful, illogical, burdensome, inflated, coersive, manipulative, and brain-snappingly weird stuff i have read for some time.... (but i'm sure it was just a rehash and repeat of previous stuff...for the new masses....).
i had to keep up a sane appearance while in the hall, and even answer some garbage while this was being 'studied'... my cognitive disonance must be so strong now, because i found this one of the hardest ones to endure....now that i am home, i have poured a stiff drink and am trying to clear my head...... one paragraph was classic:.
I am soooo glad I don't have to endure listening to that garbage anymore.
It helps to hear about it second hand, though, because it helps me understand my family, and when they start acting weirder than normal.
Why is shunning NOT a violation of Nat'l and Int'l law?
by Zoos ini was looking at the universal declaration of human rights posted at un.org and also the description of what constitutes a violation of religious freedom at uslegal.com .. .
according to the declaration of human rights:.
article 18.. everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.
The government can't force people to associate and talk to everyone, and thank goodness they can't!
Ensure that you dont appear to be Negative , Unhappy or Bitter
by stuckinarut2 injust a quick thought.... we know that the org loves to paint all those who fade or leave as "negative, bitter and unhappy"...because of course "the truth is the happiest way to live".
so, never allow ourselves to be that way when talking with witnesses, or family members still in.. show them that we are happy, our lives are fulfilled and positive.. then they have no ammunition.
also, it helps other doubters to see that there is life in the world beyond the org..
Talesin ... you are absoltely right.
If we try to put on a front that we are happy and joyful all the time, we are no better than them, AND people will see right through it.
The best example for us to show them is to JUST BE OURSELVES! Happy, sad, indifferent ... it's all part of life.
Life cannot be lived with just one brushstroke.
is going to a strip club a disfellowshipping offense?
by monis1 ini'm pretty sure it is, just wanted to confirm.
this would be someone who went once and only looked....
Just take some JW.ORG promotional material to pass out and you're all good! Perhaps pasties for the ladies with the logo in the middle?