Whew! Thank God! Oops, not God. Well, if the Pope said it ... Thank Pope!
JoinedPosts by Wild_Thing
Finally some good news for us nonbeleivers! :)
by suavojr inpope francis assures atheists: you dont have to believe in god to go to heaven.
in comments likely to enhance his progressive reputation, pope francis has written a long, open letter to the founder of la repubblica newspaper, eugenio scalfari, stating that non-believers would be forgiven by god if they followed their consciences.. responding to a list of questions published in the paper by mr scalfari, who is not a roman catholic, francis wrote: you ask me if the god of the christians forgives those who dont believe and who dont seek the faith.
Being a Witness results in selfish and self centered people!
by stuckinarut2 ini have noticed that many witnesses are very self centered and selfish people as a result of "leaving everything in god's hands to correct".
what i mean is, because "the kingdom will fix poverty, the homeless, poor, underpriveleged, etc...." it means they can just pass by those in need, or fulfill their natural human desire to help (if they have it) by just giving literature!.
so, just preach to those in need, and then you can feel good and smug about yourself!.
I also wonder if there was a certain time in WT history where psychological evaluation was frowned upon.
Yes it was, and not too long ago. It is still frowned upon in some areas, but I don't think it as taboo as it used to be.
"... As a rule, for a Christian to go to a worldly psychiatrist is an admission of defeat. It amounts to 'going down to Egypt for help' - Isaiah 31:1. ...Also, more and more psychiatrists are resorting to hypnosis which is a demonic form of worldly wisdom." (Awake!1960 March 8 p. 27)
Would it be wise for a Christian to consult a mental-health practitioner?
"In some places it has become quite fashionable to seek therapy. In many cases the patient does not have a severe mental disorder but has difficulty coping with some situation in life. However, it is the Bible that gives the most effective help in handling the difficult problems of life. (Psalm 119:28, 143) Through the Bible, Jehovah supplies wisdom, thinking ability, and true knowledge—things that fortify us mentally and emotionally. (Proverbs 2:1-11; Hebrews 13:6) Faithful servants of God may express themselves irrationally at times because of severe inner turmoil. (Job 6:2, 3) James 5:13-16 encourages such ones to call on the elders for help and counsel. A Christian may be spiritually sick, or he may be distressed by an unchangeable circumstance or by oppressive stresses, or he may feel that he is the victim of injustice. (Ecclesiastes 7:7; Isaiah 32:2; 2 Corinthians 12:7-10) Such a person can find help with the elders, who will ‘grease him with oil’—that is, skillfully impart comforting Bible counsel—and also "pray over him." The result? "The prayer of faith will make the indisposed one well, and Jehovah will raise him up [out of his despondency or his feeling of being abandoned by God]."" (w96 9/1 pp. 30-31)
So basically, if you THINK you might be having mental problems, you're probably not. You just need to let the elders lube you up. God help them all!
Being a Witness results in selfish and self centered people!
by stuckinarut2 ini have noticed that many witnesses are very self centered and selfish people as a result of "leaving everything in god's hands to correct".
what i mean is, because "the kingdom will fix poverty, the homeless, poor, underpriveleged, etc...." it means they can just pass by those in need, or fulfill their natural human desire to help (if they have it) by just giving literature!.
so, just preach to those in need, and then you can feel good and smug about yourself!.
It has always really bothered me that the JWs do not have charities or give to charities in any way. I think they are the only religion where charity giving is completely absent. I can't think of any religion that snubs their nose at giving like Watchtower Society.
And it's not just that they don't have it in place "at the top". The snobbery trickles all the way down to the rank and file, who NEVER give to charity.
SOMETIMES, they will help their own if the need arises, but that is always contingent on how "strong" in the truth they think you are, or if you are a newbie and they are love-bombing you.
One time, at the stop light, there was an organization collecting funds for the homeless. My JW sister was with me. I rolled down my window and donated a buck. They thanked me and handed back some candy with a note attached. The note said they were a church and the money I donated would go to help recovering drug addicts have a place to sleep. My sister laughed out loud and said, "Haha! You gave money to help druggies!"
They just don't get it.
5th anniversary Of Michael Jackson's passing
by designs inperhaps the best known of the celebrity jws and certainly the most controversial with the allegations that followed him to his death.. he was a good song writer and had the best in the music industry at his side.
the incredible quincy jones guided the "thriller" and "bad" albums to phenominal world wide sales.. i knew jws who were in the same kh with him and his mother.
the stories and gossip were fodder in the los angeles area.
Michael seemed to have a lot of difficulty just living. I know there were many other things that influenced who he became as an adult ... overbearing, abusive father, stardom at an early age, etc. But I can't help but wonder if he would have turned out, at least, almost normal if the Jehovah's Witnesses had not been a factor in his life.
I'm thinking YES.
Assembly News Photo
by snare&racket inthis photograph from a news site is a succinct summary of a life in wt's hands....... look at their faces, it says it all.. also, note the watchtower pr machine in action, explaining that it brings 4 million dollars to the location.
(10,000 x 400 dollars) clearly a watchtower statistic, where is the care and interest for members who are struggling so much, with new videos encouraging less career activity, less work commitments, at an all time economic low for our generation.. http://www.standard-freeholder.com/2014/06/15/thousands-attend-watchtower-convention-in-cornwall.
father: "i'm a wt 'yes' man and proud of it!
The young man in clearly apostate. To me, his look says, "I don't believe any of this bullshit."
Marrying a Black Person
by ThomasCovenant inwe are not living today among aryan nations where such members of our fleshly family relationship could be exterminated for marrying a black, as was possible and was ordered in the early days of apartheid.. being limited by the laws of the new south african nation in which we live, we can take action against those who marry blacks only to a certain extent, that is, consistent with current laws.
the law of the land forbids us to kill them, even though they be members of our own flesh-and-blood family relationship.
I was raised in the borg and was even a pioneer as a teenager, but honestly I must have blocked out most of what I had memorized. Every once in awhile I catch myself quoting a NWT scripture or humming a Kingdom Melody and I have to slap myself!
Now, I just can't stand to read the drivel! Once in a while I read something someone digs up on here, but usually, I can't read it all without feeling sick to my stomach. And I want to know what the latest "new light" is so I can understand them better. It just all sounds so ... CULTISH ... now.
Marrying a Black Person
by ThomasCovenant inwe are not living today among aryan nations where such members of our fleshly family relationship could be exterminated for marrying a black, as was possible and was ordered in the early days of apartheid.. being limited by the laws of the new south african nation in which we live, we can take action against those who marry blacks only to a certain extent, that is, consistent with current laws.
the law of the land forbids us to kill them, even though they be members of our own flesh-and-blood family relationship.
Do guys have this stuff memorized or what? Wow!
Marrying a Black Person
by ThomasCovenant inwe are not living today among aryan nations where such members of our fleshly family relationship could be exterminated for marrying a black, as was possible and was ordered in the early days of apartheid.. being limited by the laws of the new south african nation in which we live, we can take action against those who marry blacks only to a certain extent, that is, consistent with current laws.
the law of the land forbids us to kill them, even though they be members of our own flesh-and-blood family relationship.
Are you quoting someone or are these thoughts from your own brain. If so ... you need help.
What exactly are you trying to say?
The Bible on Trial
by opusdei1972 ini was disappointed after reading who are the guys talking about the bible.
they are christian apologists:.
Of course they're apologists. These type of events are usually only created to forward their biblical agenda (whatever it is might be.)
JWs do the same crap. They pose questions like ... If God really exists, how can he permit such suffering? Then, BOOM! In for the kill.
Pope Francis stops his car to bless disabled woman in Italy, BUT WHY CAN'T HE HEAL HER?
by suavojr instopping and telling that woman to stand up and walk!
that would have been something to say "grazie" what happened with all the nice accounts from the bible?
but if could at least get some of the members from the gb to do this..... .
They do the same thing with Justin Beiber. It's ridiculous!