A minny man in a local congregation has a beard
Am I the only that thought he was talking about a midget, dwarf, or little person? (Or whatever the politically correct words are nowadays?)
a minny man in a local congregation has a beard...he was bullied by the elders to remove it.. then the co came along and told the elders to allow him to keep his beard.
(not as the result of any skin condition or anything).. i kid you not!!!.
what do you make of that?.
A minny man in a local congregation has a beard
Am I the only that thought he was talking about a midget, dwarf, or little person? (Or whatever the politically correct words are nowadays?)
if you don't like being a jehovah's witness or going to the kingdom hall or the society then leave.... it's as simple as that... .
i left several years ago and have not been hounded, bothered or sought out by anyone.
i still see them from time to time, and yes, they do pour out the love bomb when you run into them, but eh, you know what?
You sound like someone who converted as an adult, and was not raised in this religion from birth (or a young age). You sound like someone who does not have any family still in. Am I right? If you do still have family in, then I definitely want to know how you were able to leave so easily.
I left many years ago when I was 23 or 24, but it was anything but easy. I agree that if someone is on the fence, that to leave sooner rather than later would be best, but it is not always that easy or cut and dry.
To tell them to just leave trivializes how difficult the journey really is. And it is definitely a journey, not a bridge you just jump off.
i was trying to find the source of the michael j. tyler quote in the was it designed article in the jul 15 awake, when i came across this website.. was this posted before the magazine?
is the watchtower passing someone else's work off as their own, or the other way round?.
also, can anyone find the source of the quote?
Waiting to hear what the actual quote was!
what was the experience like?
i lived with my brother and then sister-in-law in an apartment building owned by a brother and his wife.. besides the fact that they would constantly enter the place while we were out, without any kind of advance notification, they would procrastinate whenever there was maintenance work that needed to be done.
sometimes it would take months before they would get to it.
My mother and I did. We use to call him a slumlord behind his back. Nothing ever fixed, and when he did fix anything, it was half-ass and temporary.
forgive me for indulging in a goodbye but it would feel wrong not to,.
i hope the discussions and atmosphere here do not change for it is a bubbling brew of doubt, bravery and sincere hunger for answers.
these are healthy ingrediants for humans and especially for a jehovah's witness.. this forum offers not just the ability to ask without consequence, but it also offers the means to be real.
Congratulations Dr Snare & Racket! It is so nice to hear of a success story! I wish you the best!
there are a million of them and mine is by no means the most important question to ask them if i only had one shot at it.
but, i have always wondered what kind of bs excuse they would give as an answer to this question: "brother goober bum, given that there are both male and female partakers here on earth who claim to be of the 'anointed' and plan on being of the 144,000 ruling with christ in heaven for eternity........ why are the female 'anointed' treated as submissive, second class citizens and why is their opinion on doctrinal matters, matters of teaching and reproving, anything at all.... why are they not recognized while here on earth even though you claim that jesus has selected them to become angels to rule with him?
I would ask ...
How can you live with yourselves knowing that you have ruined so many lives with your shunning policy? How can you live with yourselves know how many people you have killed with your anti-vaccination, anti-organ transplant, and anti-blood policies?
Okay, I know that's two, but seriously ... how can they live with themselves?
here is your map:.
1. i suspect the truth isn't what i thought it was.. 2. omg--i realize i've been lied to and duped.. 3. what should i do?--i don't want to lose my wife, kids, family, friends, dog, pet hamster .
.. 4. what if jehovah's witnesses really do have the true religion and it's simple human error screwing it up?.
6 1/2
And I will never be to number 7. I don't like the idea of messing with people, and 99% of the time, coercing someone to leave the JWs does not work. They have to be ready to leave on their own and they have to use their own two feet to do it. Everybody is free to believe what they want to believe, and I have no problem telling somebody I disagree with their belief, but trying to make me sound "right" and them sound "wrong" never works.
I understood BORG to mean Brooklyn ORGanization so I guess things change as they are selling Brooklyn properties. I like G.BORG for Governing Body ORGanization.
Ha! That is so funny! I never thought of that! I wonder how many people have come here over the years and see the "borg" referenced and decide what meaning it has to them, not thinking it has anything to do with Star Trek. I might be wrong, but I think Star Trek is mainly an American phenomenon, so maybe that is the reason? I have always assumed it was a comparison to the Star Trek's Borg.
For the non-Star Trek fans out there, here is a description of the fictional Borg race from Star Trek. You can see why the comparison to JWs is so fitting!
From: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borg_(Star_Trek)
Borg is a collective proper noun for a fictional alien race that appears as recurring antagonists in various incarnations of the American television and film Star Trek franchise. The Borg are a collection of species that have been turned into cybernetic organisms functioning as drones of the Collective , or the hive . A pseudo- race , dwelling in the Star Trek universe, the Borg force other species into their collective and connect them to "the hive mind "; the act is called assimilation and entails violence, abductions, and injections of microscopic machines called nanoprobes. The Borg's ultimate goal is "achieving perfection".
i'm into politics but i still don't consider myself patriotic..
Now that I am not a JW, I love discussing world issues and politics, even though it often makes my blood pressure go up! It is so refreshing that I can have a completely different view on something from one of my friends and we can still remain friends. (Though I leave shaking my head wondering what in the world she can see in Sarah Palin!)
I would not say I am especially patriotic in the sense that I think America is the best country in the world and I would go fight for them. Some beliefs die hard, and I don't think that will ever change. I am a staunch democrat now, and there are clearly 5 idiots on the Supreme Court!!! See? Democrat!
With that being said, I salute the flag everyday M-F for 9 1/2 months out of the year!
I still prefer Borg, but I have always been a Star Trek fan. The meaning esapes you if you are not.