JoinedPosts by Wild_Thing
Worst Bible Verse ... EVER
by Wild_Thing infrom the nwt, of course.
none of the other versions make it sound any better, either.
2 timothy, chapter 2 has been used and abused to suppress women everywhere.
I am too lazy to look it up, but there is also one in the OT that says to stone your children if they are disobedient. -
Question about this pic of JWs from the 1940s ....
by Wild_Thing inwhy is no one else singing???
it's so strange!
was she doing a solo or what?.
Why is no one else singing??? It's so strange! Was she doing a solo or what?
Worst Bible Verse ... EVER
by Wild_Thing infrom the nwt, of course.
none of the other versions make it sound any better, either.
2 timothy, chapter 2 has been used and abused to suppress women everywhere.
From the NWT, of course. None of the other versions make it sound any better, either. 2 Timothy, chapter 2 has been used and abused to suppress women everywhere.
12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man, but she is to remain silent.* 13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 14 Also, Adam was not deceived, but the woman was thoroughly deceived and became a transgressor.
Paul was an asshole (or whoever it was that supposedly wrote the book of Timothy.) And it sounds like we need to let imaginary Adam take responsibility for his imaginary actions instead of blaming his imaginary wife.
What is your worst verse in the bible?
Does Anyone Know Where This Picture Came From...
by MADMARY init couldn't be from a watchtower cover, right???
does anyone know?.
I used a reverse search engine. Here is one source I found:
It is from: http://www.worth1000.com/contests/3247/contest
I doubt it is the original since it was a photoshopping contest, but it was from 10 years ago, and seems to be earliest time I can find it on the internet. It probably started out as a stock photo on some website, and now it has been edited and used so many times, it will be hard to track down the original. It is similar to some pictures I have seen the watchtower use, but I don't think it is the same. The title of this photo is "Egg Timer."
Videolink speech by a HQ member this Saturday
by Powermetal4ever inso this saturday we are going to have some kind of videolink speech, by a james mantz from headquarters apparantly.
how very exciting... or not.
thats what my mum said anyway, and i just thought like " yeah right" i can t remember we have ever had it before, is it a new take?
Oh wow! I have never even heard of Kingdom Support Services, Inc. until today. My, how things have changed since I left! In doing a little googling, I found that they say it was established for construction and fleet management. Evidently, they run the KH constructions, and they hold the title to all of the Watchtower's fleet.
Is this a corporation they established to protect themselves legally? If so, how does it protect them? Is this something commonly done by religious organizations? Do they commonly establish separate corporations for different divisions of their religious order?
ATL Teachers Sentenced to Prison in Cheating Scandal: Can the same charges be used against leaders of the WTBTS?
by Wild_Thing infirst of all, i stand in support of the teachers ... sort of.
this system of over testing in america, connecting test scores to monetary rewards or punishments, and threatening teachers with their job over test scores is directly to blame for the environment created where teachers and administrators felt pressure to cheat.
but at the same time, they lost their integrity and cheated.
adjusted knowledge ... I agree with you. In the criminal justice system, they still technically got sentenced to 20 years. If they flub up during probation, they have to go back to prison and serve the remaining 20. It might be a small difference to point out, but it is quite glaring when you compare it to sentences that murderers and child molesters get.
As for standardized testing, I have become bitter about the whole thing. I am a teacher. When I started teaching many, many years ago, all of this testing was not the sole focus of school, and now it is. I am about to start administering the state test to my students. 3 weeks of testing everyday. Several hours each day. They are 10 years old. They are not taking the bar exam to become a lawyer. I feel like I am committing child abuse! And this does not include the HOURS of practice testing that district forces us to do. I use to do so much more teaching. Now all I do is test.
To make it even more frustrating, I work in a high-poverty, high immigrant school. I just had one of my Somali students go back to visit Africa for three works, and I just had two new students move in just a few weeks before the state test is to be given. One of them if from Kenya and has only been learning English for a few years. The other is an American, but she is so low academically. I emailed her old teacher to get the scoop on her, and she said that she has been in many, many schools during her short education, she has attendance issues, the parents will not help, and she will never do any homework at home.
This happens all the time, everyday. And when the scores come back, all of these children, including the ones that just moved in the week before testing, will be tied to my name, and my ability to teach will be judged by them.
Sorry for the long rant! I am VERY frustrated with the direction that public education has taken since NCLB was signed into law. With that being said, I will never give up my integrity and cheat. And anybody that does should be jobless!
Graduating college May 14. Update on Getting my GED and going to college thread from 5 years ago.
by noni1974 inhttp://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/187163/getting-my-ged-can-go-college.
i started this topic 5 years ago letting everyone know i had decide to get my ged and go to college in hopes of getting an education so that i could have a career instead of just a job.
i wanted fulfillment and a future, not just another job that has no really future in it.
You should be proud! Congrats! -
Who REALLY believed in the idea of living forever on earth??
by stuckinarut2 inseriously.....even when you were 100% in "the truth", did you really believe in living forever?
Yes I did when I was a kid growing up. Then, when I was around 15 or 16 I decided I never wanted to live forever on this Earth if it meant having to live with ONLY JW's on the Earth led by the organization. They allowed horrible abuse to continue in my family at the hands of my elder father. When it got so bad, we HAD to leave, they didn't help us. It was "WORLDLY" people at the mental hospital we had to go to to get help and get away from him.
I told my mother I didn't want to be a witness anymore because I couldn't stand the thought of having to live forever with those people, and she said, "I know. I feel the same way, but there is nothing else out there for us." After that, I attempted suicide a couple of times when I was 16/17, and after that, I started to wake up and realize it was all a lie and there was no paradise Earth and they certainly were not God's special group of chosen people.
It wasn't until I was in my early 20s that I was able to completely let go of the lies I was taught about paradise and armageddon.
I fully expect to soon see children going to school with those two creepy kids on their backpacks and lunch boxes with the slogan "Listen, obey and be blessed" on it.
What Things Did You Not Talk About as a JW?
by minimus inyou have to lead a secret life as a jw.
you're not supposed to over drink, go to night clubs, enjoy worldly concerts, etc.....sex, though is really taboo.
you could never freely talk about your sex life.
Said to me ... "Yes, you can watch Scooby Doo and Smurfs after school, but don't tell anybody!"
I never did.