During the centuries of organized religion that humans have had on Earth, has anything close to this ever happened? Not to my knowledge.
That kind of scenario is so outlandish, I would only be able to contemplate it while I was high.
so imagine the gb have a sudden attack of honesty and realize "crap, this whole thing is lies - we're not god's spokespeople at all !".
how do you dismantle a religion that has +8 million members in a responsible way?
you can't just publish a watchtower saying "we were wrong" because that would be irresponsible - you need to let people down gently, put people off gradually.
During the centuries of organized religion that humans have had on Earth, has anything close to this ever happened? Not to my knowledge.
That kind of scenario is so outlandish, I would only be able to contemplate it while I was high.
i decided to put an end to my affiliation with the jws for good.
this decision is not the result of an irrational impulse.
it is quite the contrary.
I hope you leave and don't look back. But if your experience is like others, this is far from over. They will end up at your door (probably the elders) and they will give you some line about how you shouldn't let humans stumble you and keep you from serving Jehober ... blah blah blah. Just prepare yourself for them to lay on the guilt.
The way the JWs treat each other is only one of the reasons I left. There are many, many more reasons to stay away.
i occasionally come on this website because i have my eyes on a particular user.
because of that, i end up reading a lot of people's post.
although very interesting and hurt breaking, a lot of them are very strange.
Most people trying to break free from the JWs have had years of brainwashing and made to believe that they do not have a choice. They have had years of being told that misery = faithfulness or favor with Jehovah.
In my opinion, that is one reason why people come here. They find other people here that share the same experience. I am happy when I see people here talking about their misery as a JW or being in a JW marriage because it is not safe for them to share it with their JW friends or family, and they feel safe sharing it with us. And it is the first step ... the very first step in breaking free. And it is a process. Some don't have as many ties to the borg and leave more easily. Others take many years longer.
Sometimes, I also have trouble understanding why some people continue to stay in a situation where they are so miserable, but everyone's situation and so I try not to judge. It is all a matter of what is most important to you. Some risk losing every single family member and every single friend they have ever known if they leave their spouse or leave the religion. For some people, it's just not worth it. For others, the unknown is just too scary to face.
I try not to judge. At least they are mentally breaking free, even if they are still physically there.
if so, they probably won't come forward for a while, then when they do, they'll probably be dragged into the back room for a talk about how the dubs don't gamble, then the winner says he'll donate some, and of course all will be forgiven, then the dub may finally see the hypocrisy of the cult and denounce them on national tv as they hold up that big giant check for all to see!
Forget the JWs, I hope I win the Powerball!
in the congregation where i grew up, the witnesses converted this 20-something young man.
he was very strange, lived in a very shady apartment, and he couldn't afford a car, so he rode his bike around the whole area, which was very strange for our rural part of the country.
according to larry, he came from quite a wealthy family in the country he was from.
in the congregation where i grew up, the witnesses converted this 20-something young man.
he was very strange, lived in a very shady apartment, and he couldn't afford a car, so he rode his bike around the whole area, which was very strange for our rural part of the country.
according to larry, he came from quite a wealthy family in the country he was from.
in the congregation where i grew up, the witnesses converted this 20-something young man.
he was very strange, lived in a very shady apartment, and he couldn't afford a car, so he rode his bike around the whole area, which was very strange for our rural part of the country.
according to larry, he came from quite a wealthy family in the country he was from.
In the congregation where I grew up, the witnesses converted this 20-something young man. He was very strange, lived in a very shady apartment, and he couldn't afford a car, so he rode his bike around the whole area, which was very strange for our rural part of the country. While he rode, he wore a dark colored hat with a red feather in it. It was quite a site! You could spot him a mile away!
His name was Larry. He spoke with sort of an accent. He said he wasn't from this country. I don't remember where he said he was from, but he had a picture of his parents in his photo album. His mother looked almost like a model, with her hair blowing in the wind. The JWs took him under their wing and threw car rides, groceries, and other charity his way, as they so often do to their newfound sheep.
According to Larry, he came from quite a wealthy family in the country he was from. We couldn't believe he lived so poorly here in the U.S.! But other countries have different standards for wealth, and so the witnesses kept taking him under their wing and showed him "the way". Larry was a very compliant new recruit. He never missed a study, came to all the meetings, and in return he got invited to all the get-togethers! And there were a lot of get-togethers!
It really started to bother the brother that was studying with him that he had so little contact with his family back where he was from. Then, he told us that his parents died in a plane crash in the mountains. He said he couldn't collect his inheritance because there was no way he could afford the trip home. Brothers stepped up and offered to help with travel expenses. Larry could pay them back later. Some genius in his wide circle of mentors finally questioned the accuracy of Larry's recent story of misfortune. They couldn't find one story about a plane crash in the mountains, but this was during the age before the internet, so some thought it still could've happened. But Larry had a hard time giving clear details about the whole event.
At the urging of others, the brother that studied with Larry pressured him for more details. Well, Larry finally fessed up. His parents didn't really die in a plane crash. And his family wasn't wealthy. He really was poor. And he wasn't really from another country either. He was a born and bred American raised in the foster care system. The accent was fake. He really sounded just like us! And the picture of his parents? It from from some magazine.
Larry was a part of our JW community for at least 6, maybe 8 months. And then he was gone. I was a pretty young kid, so I don't really know exactly how our story with Larry ended, except all of a sudden he wasn't around anymore. Not at meetings, not at get togethers. The only thing I really remember is my mom saying, "I knew he was weird."
Some time later, I remember seeing Larry riding his bike along the side of the road going somewhere, except he didn't have his hat with the red feather anymore.
Also, his name wasn't Larry.
i never really knew any until recently.
as a witness we all thought they were weird.
but the two faiths are a lot alike, except the mormons are really so much nicer than the jws!.
So if the scriptures are true that "by their love you will recognize them" then who knows, the witnesses might be in for a big surprise one day.
Oh dear! I think you need to go talk to some more former Mormons to get a broader perspective. From what I have observed from both of those religions, they are VERY much alike and there is no way in hell that either of them have the chosen people ... if there were such a thing.
i find these shocking.
jehovah has full intention of disciplining his people because of the way they have treated us.
1. Jehovah's Witnesses are not "his people".
2. If we start wishing harm upon them like they wish harm upon us, we are no better than they are.
i find these shocking.
WOW! I can't get over the women screaming like they're watching a male stripper revue!
It looks like they saved all the left over wine from that past 40 years of memorials where no one partook and shared it all on one night!