JoinedPosts by Wild_Thing
Today the two elders did not appear to declare at prosecutor's citation
by opusdei1972 intoday the two elders who stalked my sister were absent at the prosecutor's citation.
they were waited for 1 hour, but they did not come.
this attitude favors their culpability.
Does anyone know if it still says that in the most current Elder book? -
Under WT rules, can JW women file for a divorce? Or can only men file?
by JimmyPage inthe reason i ask is because while watching the "dateline" episode about ralph candelario, the claim was made that only jw men could file for divorce, not women.
i had never thought about this before.. also, how does this apply in cases where a husband is "apostate" while the wife is faithful to wt?
My mother had to meet with the elders when she decided to divorce her second JW husband about 5 years ago. She gave grounds of physical, mental, and spiritual abuse and she *says* that they gave her the okay to file. But she is a woman and a nobody, like all females in the org, and it's not like they could threaten her with losing a position of importance, and I don't think she would have let them pressure her to stay like they did in her first marriage.
I was already long gone from the JW club when this happened with the second hubs, so I just have to take her word on how "reasonable" she claims they were. Often times she stretches the truth (haha ...truth) to try to convince me how much the JWs have come around on issues and "changed".
With her first husband (my father and an elder), it was a different story. She had to wait 30 years until all her kids and herself were completely traumatized and screwed up before she was forced to finally escape his abuse by terrible circumstances and things getting so horrible, we couldn't hide it anymore from the congregation ... or even the evening news. The elders knew about *some* of what he was doing to us for years ... they just kept commending my mom for being such a good spiritual example and not bringing reproach on Jehovah's name by outing him.
The whole goddamn story is a Lifetime mini-series if you want to know the truth. I still get upset when I attempt to talk about it.
Question About the New Headquarters at Warwick
by Wild_Thing inthe jws are known for building kingdom halls and assembly halls with slave ...er i mean ... volunteer labor, but this new self sufficient headquarters seems a bit more complex.. so who's building it?
did they hire a firm with educated engineers and architects who know what they are doing?
or are they still using billy*, who learned how to lay tile from his uncle bob*?.
The JWs are known for building Kingdom Halls and Assembly Halls with slave ...er I mean ... volunteer labor, but this new self sufficient headquarters seems a bit more complex.
So who's building it? Did they hire a firm with EDUCATED engineers and architects who know what they are doing? Or are they still using Billy*, who learned how to lay tile from his Uncle Bob*?
*Names have been changed to protect the guilty.
Under WT rules, can JW women file for a divorce? Or can only men file?
by JimmyPage inthe reason i ask is because while watching the "dateline" episode about ralph candelario, the claim was made that only jw men could file for divorce, not women.
i had never thought about this before.. also, how does this apply in cases where a husband is "apostate" while the wife is faithful to wt?
Wow. I had always thought that if her life was endangered or if there was "complete spiritual endangerment" she was allowed to file.
Well ... you have to understand ... what is printed and how things really are, are two totally different things.
2016 Regional Conventions
by Wild_Thing inso i found where the places and dates are listed on the jw site, and there are 2 listed for my city.
is there any way to find out which "region" is assigned to which?
i want to know which ones the locals are assigned to.
That's awesome, wifibandit! Will you have the information to determine which congregations go where? -
2016 Regional Conventions
by Wild_Thing inso i found where the places and dates are listed on the jw site, and there are 2 listed for my city.
is there any way to find out which "region" is assigned to which?
i want to know which ones the locals are assigned to.
I think you will have to call the branch
2016 Regional Conventions
by Wild_Thing inso i found where the places and dates are listed on the jw site, and there are 2 listed for my city.
is there any way to find out which "region" is assigned to which?
i want to know which ones the locals are assigned to.
So I found where the places and dates are listed on the JW site, and there are 2 listed for my city. Is there any way to find out which "region" is assigned to which? I want to know which ones the locals are assigned to. -
What is R&F
by Drifting Away ini see the letters r&f often, but i dont know what that stands for..can someone tell me?
I thought it stood for Radical and Fanatical! -
The Kingdom Hall
by TheLiberator ini know i have mentioned this on other posts.
as a born-in, i was obsessed with the watchtower.
it was god's organization.
After I left, I told myself the same thing ... I would never step foot in a Kingdom Hall, but I did ... for a funeral. And I regretted it. The brother read the newspaper obituary word for word, and then preached about "paradise" for 30 minutes. What a dishonor to the person that died and a complete waste of my time!
On a side note ... I WAS LOCKED IN A DARK KINGDOM HALL! When I was 3 years old, my family turned off the lights, locked the doors, and hopped in the car to drive home. (My dad was an elder and we were often the last to lock up and leave.) Even my 2 sisters sitting in the back seat didn't notice they forgot me. How does that happen? I have no idea! I don't think they got very far before somebody realized it. My mom said when they came back, they could see Kingdom Hall door moving in and out because I was on the other side beating on it so hard. It was pretty traumatic. I think it was the first sign that being a JW was not for me.
GB Daniel Sydlik died ten years ago today (on April 18, 2006)
by AnneB inhe seemed like a decent fellow.
i miss his talks.
There are several decent JWs that I miss seeing (by their choice, not mine). I do not miss any of their talks.