My mother remarried a JW for a short 3 years, then divorced due to emotional abuse. She talked to the elders first, who, according to her, gave her the okay. The divorced and neither one had any restrictions that I know of. Both are still witneses, going to different congregations.
JoinedPosts by Wild_Thing
What are the consequences if a JW files for an unscriptural divorce?
by Daniel1555 inin january my wife separated from me, because she views me as an apostate (to make the story short).. at that time the elders explained to us, that the bible doesn't approve of such a separation.
i heard from my mother in law, that my wife finally wants to divorce.
(when i think of how my wife treated me the last year i actually want a divorce too).. now my question to you:.
by OneDayillBeFree inloecsh just announced a new publication called god's kingdom rules.. looks like crap.. will probably be old light by the time i submit this post.. i feel like i'm live-tweeting an apple event..
No ... Apple events announce new innovative stuff! This is just recycled shit.
What are the consequences if a JW files for an unscriptural divorce?
by Daniel1555 inin january my wife separated from me, because she views me as an apostate (to make the story short).. at that time the elders explained to us, that the bible doesn't approve of such a separation.
i heard from my mother in law, that my wife finally wants to divorce.
(when i think of how my wife treated me the last year i actually want a divorce too).. now my question to you:.
For divorcing you for apostacy? No ... she will probabaly be celebrated as a "fine example" of somebody leaving you to protect herself from "spiritual abuse". She will not be able to marry until you do the dirty with someone first, but other than that, I think they will celebrate her as a martyr.
Getting kicked out.
by bobert insometime this week.
my parents are getting a lot of heat from the congregation, and tension in my house was already super high.
i know it's inevitable.
I was start socking away every dollar you can and ride it out as long as you can. Then, if/when it does happen, you will have a bit of cash to work with. You might start looking around for a roommates to live with. It can cut your living expenses significantly.
some changes need to be made
by venting inbut im still in and on the fence.
" remember who owns the fence?".
shunning needs to be tempered.
I'm sorry you have a headache. Take two red pills and call me in the morning.
Are Jehovah's Witnesses a Cult? (alternate title: Balls, Cuts, and Dudes - Oh My!)
by cognisonance inoh my... from their site:.
no, jehovahs witnesses are not a cult.. .
nice rebuttal to the question.
While this page about them not being a cult is hilarious and ridiculous, their page on on "Who was the founder of the Jehovah's Witnesses?" will have you laughing so hard, you will piss your knickers! According to them, Charles Russell did not found the Jehovah's Witnesses, it was .... Jesus Christ!
JWs cheat the least??
by lambsbottom inhow do ya figure this!??.
When you spend every waking moment studying with your spouse, going to meetings with your spouse, and going out in service with your spouse, who would have the time?
What's more to blame- the WT or the bible?
by keyser soze inaren't they both just differen't variations of the same lie?
the only difference is the scale on which their impact on humanity is measured.
that, and the fact that the bible can exist without the wt, but not vice versa.. but at the end of the day, what's the difference between claiming to be the inspired word of god, or the one true religion?
This reminds me of the age old line I have heard in America all my life. "Guns don't kill people, people kill people." While I admantly disagree with this statement as it relates to guns, I do agree with it as it relates to the bible. The bible is a book. A book can't hurt you. People on the other hand ...
It's all what you do with it. Use it as a doorstop and no one gets hurt.
San Diego Convention Rules
by lambsbottom inheard from an elder friend in so.
cal that the san diego convention has new rules this year:.
no ezups or beach umbrellas.
If you get too hot, you can always go take a dunk in the baptism pool to cool off!
Worry Over Possible "Spying Elders"
by abbasgreta inthis seems to be a real worry for 'faders' on a number of threads.
the responses to ducati's first posting.
is a good example.
Yes, I remember being so paranoid the elders. Part of it is well founded, though. The elders kept coming to my apartment and knocking on the door to talk to me. TWO OF THEM. I always dropped to the floor, crawled into another room and hid. Every time I did it, I remembered seeing other people do the exact same thing when I would be out in service and knock on their door! Lol! Eventually, they left me alone.
I think it depends on how big/small a town you live in and how eagar the elders in your congregation are as to whether they spy on you or come after you.