Yes, now the internet is a wonderful blessing from Jehovah! And everybody carries around their electronic devices.
And ... are you sitting down? Now, there's this:
i have been out of the religion since 1996. i used to come to former witness boards a lot in the distant past, and then i lost interest in the subject.
however, with a couple relatives still in and passing the 1914 one hundred year mark, i find myself looking to see what a modern jehovah's witness is believing.
could i get kind of an update on some things.
Yes, now the internet is a wonderful blessing from Jehovah! And everybody carries around their electronic devices.
And ... are you sitting down? Now, there's this:
i am seriously considering disassociating myself.
i want to do this because i no longer consider myself one of jehovah's witnesses.
i no longer consider jehovah as my god and i am in a new religion now.
If you follow THEIR process of disassociating yourself, you are only validating their practice of judging and shunning. Don't give them that power.
If you do not consider yourself a JW, I bet most JWs that know you don't consider you a JW anymore, either. Just cut your losses and stay gone.
The only thing disassociating yourself will do is put your family in a very, very bad predicament. They will be forced to choose between their loyalty to you or to the organization. I guarantee if won't be you. It never is.
this is the funniest thing i have seen all day!.
This is the funniest thing I have seen all day!
school faith forum to bring religions together.
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I think it's interesting how they list Jehovah's Witnesses separate from Christians when they listed the religions.
I also think this is bizarre. I have never heard of the Witnesses being wiling to take part in anything like this before. I wonder if the mothership knows.
dear all,i am a student writing my thesis in the netherlands on feelings of belongings in jehovah witnesses, techniques used for conversion and experiences of ex witnesses.
i would appreciate if anyone is willing to talk to me.
i can provide more information about my research.
You're secretly one of them apostate wranglers, aren't you??? You can't fool me!
i find it hard to believe that adults on this forum make such a big deal about not celebrating birthdays, x-mas, easter, halloween, etc, etc, etc.
i grew up as a jw kid and it actually made me feel good, being different from the other kids in school.
we went to meetings.
They have indoctrinated you well, I see.
And why do you keep comparing your experience as a young JW boy to someone in school? Did you not go to school? I can think of LOTS of things children experience in school that they might also experience in JW land ... and then some.
I gave my first bible reading at age 7.
Exhilarating, exciting, mind blowing for a 7 year old. What kid at school got to experience that?
You got to experience this as a young JW! Wow! I grew up as a JW and I NEVER got to do a bible reading!
Oh wait ... I'm a girl.
I guess it's a good thing I got to experience reading aloud in front of audiences and giving presentations to an audience AT SCHOOL.
i had a horrible conversation with my 14 year old last night which i regret.
im still in but doubting more and more every day.. she is recently baptized.
she is outgoing and gorgeous and make friends easily, although not so much with the sisters in our hall, who pick her up and drop her again regularly , leaving her out of parties etc but then bringing her back into the circle, dropping her again...and so on.
from the perspective of the jehovah's witnesses public witnessing cart.
a family put this skit on for going away party for our missionary family.
[ i can just imagine what the villagers are going to say about the crazy missionary gringo and his cart.