Bump ...
Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
can anyone tell me when the regional convention is being held in kansas city this summer?
Bump ...
Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
can anyone tell me when the regional convention is being held in kansas city this summer?
ask a question, and i will help with a simple answer, not an over referenced i'm smarter than you vent.
i love the people who go to my congregation.
they are sweet, friendly, and lovable.
(which is one of the things that makes being awake so much easier.
if we are in the congregation, do you think our comments or questions actually reach elders or others in the congregation?
do our comments on this board affect witnesses to the point of questioning their faith?
I do not believe websites like this create doubt in lurkers, but I do think it definitely helps people who already have doubts get out. Having doubts and beginning to realize what the truth about the watchtower is a very lonely place to be. Forums like this give much needed support that help you sort out the real truth and then eventually leave.
the answer was "no".
obviously it's the onion so it's satirical but it got me thinking how the religious view prayer and god.
What always bothered me the most is that when zealots claim that God answered their prayers, it is always at the expense of someone else.
If God "answered your prayers" and you won a game or award, it implies you are God's special chosen one over the other contenders.
If God "answered your prayers" and saved your child from cancer, it implies God had the ability to save other children from cancer, also, but chose not to.
I don't really think people understand what they are saying when they use that phrase. I think it's just become cliche` and something people say without thinking.
so, i am reposting this video from wifibandit's thread since it is a bit off topic.
i watched this video and i have to say that this guy really creeps me out.
his slow and methodical gestures coupled with with his over-annuciation of every word makes him appear absolutely crazy!.
So, I am reposting this video from wifibandit's thread since it is a bit off topic.
I watched this video and I have to say that this guy really creeps me out. His slow and methodical gestures coupled with with his over-annuciation of EVERY word makes him appear ABSOLUTELY CRAZY!
Either that, or he is just a really bad actor, over-acting everything. Maybe both?
He reminds me of Marshall Applewhite, that crazy cult leader of Heaven's Gate (the cult where everyone killed themselves while sporting terrible boy haircuts and new black tennis shoes). I have posted the Applewhite video below the Lett video for comparison.
Maybe they just both went to the same "So You Want To Be a Cult Leader" seminar. The similarities in style are uncanny.
Lett Video:
Applewhite video:
When you click on the link, it asks if you have attended the convention yet. I clicked on yes so I could see the new releases. It was like the disclaimer you see when visiting liquor websites that say "Click to verify that you are over 21."
So, what happens when you click on "No"? Anyone?
not sure how wide spread this is, but from my social media land i saw 2 separate videos, from two halls in completely different towns featuring their kids having a demonstration on the service meeting (i am guessing last night as i didn't go).
these kids are really young!
maybe this was just a coincidence at first i thought it was the same video then realized theses people live hundreds of miles apart.
i am sort of new here, used a different username for a while but things got 'difficult' at home so i've since been lurking.... what i would be really interested to know, if you don't mind sharing, is what it was that triggered your doubts and initial research which led to awakening, was it a bad experience, injustice, changed doctrine?
for me, it was seeing mistreatment of young ones in the congregation, they're under so much pressure and as soon as they go even slightly astray they are shunned, either informally (as bad associations which pushes them further into the 'world') or formally - with elders dying to throw the book at them so they even lose their family.... ...then reading about child abuse issues in the press.... ...which led me to silentlambs.
...then jw facts, this forum and coc, wham!
What woke me up ...
My mother was married to my abusive father for 30 years. He was also an elder for most of those years. "Jehovah" didn't help us. The other elders didn't help us. Nobody helped us.
When things got so bad that we were in crisis mode, it was only outside agencies and "worldly" people that helped us. Then, I woke up. I was sixteen.