I am one of Trump's supporters or I am one of the many Trump supporters?
I don't know ... either way sounds wrong.
being brought up as a jehovah's witness means you are so used to the term that you rarely stop to think about it.. one thing i've noticed is that people unfamiliar with the religion will say "jehovah witness" (no 's) instead which i always found a bit grating.. but watching the us election, something struck me.
people are often referred to as "trump supporters", not "trump's supporters" and so on.
thinking about other things, people would say they were "united fan's", not "united's fans" and so on.. it seems weird that a group would refer to themselves as though it was someone else talking about them (in the 3rd person, if i have that right).. what do you think?
I am one of Trump's supporters or I am one of the many Trump supporters?
being brought up as a jehovah's witness means you are so used to the term that you rarely stop to think about it.. one thing i've noticed is that people unfamiliar with the religion will say "jehovah witness" (no 's) instead which i always found a bit grating.. but watching the us election, something struck me.
people are often referred to as "trump supporters", not "trump's supporters" and so on.
thinking about other things, people would say they were "united fan's", not "united's fans" and so on.. it seems weird that a group would refer to themselves as though it was someone else talking about them (in the 3rd person, if i have that right).. what do you think?
"Jehovah Witness" has always grated on me, even to this day! It doesn't even make any sense without the apostrophe and s. What is even worse is when I hear someone say that so-and-so is "a Jehovah". A what? Please! Your ignorance is showing. You might want to tuck that shit back in.
I have to admit that when I am in certain company who are discussing JWs and I do not want them to know that I was ever even associated with them, I will purposely say "Jehovah Witness" just to prove how far removed I am from them!
it's easy to think of exjws as being a single amorphous group but the more i think about it, the more i believe that there are two distinct sub-groups and wonder if you agree.. there are those who believe and those who don't.
i know that seems obvious but let's break it down a bit more.
there are those who don't and never believed and some who are looking for a religion to match their beliefs.. i used to think this split would be between born-ins and converts but of course it's possible for born-ins to be believers although i suspect that many, like with other faiths, do so simply because they have never experienced anything else or made a conscious choice.
I think there is a certain niche of people that are attracted to what the WTS has to offer. I am talking about converts, not born-ins. I have noticed that many of the converts are poor, may be in abusive relationships, or have other things in their lives that seem out of control.
The WTS provides 2 things: hope and control. The new convert instantly has hope that their shitty life will get better, and the WTS provided regiment and control that salves the feeling of their life's circumstances being out of control. And to boot, they get an instant support system to go along with it.
Even when the convert starts to doubt or no longer believes, it is hard to let go of all of those other "supports" put in place by the WTS.
there are more jws than scientologists.
jws shun their ex-members, too, and have beliefs just as weird.
we also have had our celebrities .... michael jackson, prince.
There are more JWs than Scientologists. JWs shun their ex-members, too, and have beliefs just as weird. We also have had our celebrities .... Michael Jackson, Prince.
So why don't JWs have the spotlight in the media as much as the scientologists? It doesn't make sense. I guess since the JWs become tight-lipped and refuse interviews on any controversial topics, it makes for a boring news story. The Scientologists come out with all claws, and the TV cameras line up to get the shot.
i was expecting people who "identified" as jws to follow watchtower beliefs more closely than these pollsters report.. .
My money in on the dubs not understanding the questions. Seriously, have you attempted to have a discussion with a Dub that required reasoning on their part?
DataDog, that is exactly what I thought!. I also wondered if most JWs even understand the differences in ideologies between conservatives, moderates, and liberals. I'm sure if any of them would even know how to answer the question.
link is here.. line outapr 18, 2013. .
"an incomplete and disorderly catalog of prince's dirty songs".
by kelly o. .
Growing up, my older siblings listened to Prince and so I already knew a few of his songs ... I LOVED Let's Go Crazy. I was only seven or eight years old when Raspberry Beret was released, and thought I had found my new favorite. Well, my mom or older sister or somebody quickly told me that I couldn't sing that song because it was a dirty song. And of course I had no clue how it could possibly be dirty. As far as I was concerned, it was a catchy little song about a fruit shaped hat.
Since then, my catalogue of Prince songs has grown significantly, and even looking at just the song titles can be quite blushing. And now ... I think you to myself .... Really? Raspberry Beret? THAT was the Prince song you objected to?
link is here.. line outapr 18, 2013. .
"an incomplete and disorderly catalog of prince's dirty songs".
by kelly o. .
link is here.. line outapr 18, 2013. .
"an incomplete and disorderly catalog of prince's dirty songs".
by kelly o. .
Yeah, I think the title of this list should be All the Good Songs Prince Made Before His Music Sucked.
why do people care so much about celebrities?
You have to admire the charisma or whatever that Prince had to acquire such devotion from his fans. But I don't admire it enough to donate to somebody's Go Fund Me page so they can go to a funeral that's already happened! Haha!
I admire a lot of people, but you will never find me on the floor of a Sam's Club singing Purple Rain! That is dedication! And her tears look so ... real!
link is here.. line outapr 18, 2013. .
"an incomplete and disorderly catalog of prince's dirty songs".
by kelly o. .
Hmmmm ... so evidently the category can't be edited.
Can a mod or Simon this to the Adult section? Thanks!