JoinedTopics Started by Virgogirl
Describe the WILDEST JW party you ever attended!! no seriously......
by kid-A ini realize this is totally context and culturally dependent, but the old toronto jw youth scene was quite wild during the years 1984-1994. .
one example, a group of about 40 jw kids would go up to a ski resort (usually mount st.louis/moonstone or blue mountain) over the x-mas week-end.
one year we rented out a block of rooms in a resort close to the ski lodge.
Why is it so hard to have meaningful conversation at the Kingdom Hall?
by truthseeker indid any of you stuggle for have good conversations with the friends, before and after meetings?
i know i did.. by meaningful conversations, i mean in-depth discussions about events, news, beliefs.
it seems that jw's .
Tarot Cards
by free2beme ini own five tarot card decks, and use them often.
not so often that i live my life by them, but enough.
one deck is one i use more then others, as i feel more of a connection with the cards.
~Your image, reputation here at JWD~
by FlyingHighNow inwhat impression do you think you make here at jwd?
what do people think of you?
What silly rules did your congregation make up?
by weinermcgee inelders were famous for making up stupid rules with no bible base at all as an ego trip i guess, what were some of yours?
i am not talking about the stupid rules that we all had to follow, just the congregation specific silly ones.. 1. having to button your jacket while on stage (this was later changed due to all the elders having a beer gut).
2. suits only or no privledges.
Do Must Dubs Have Pre-Marital Sex?
by tall penguin init's not often talked about but in my experience a lot of witnesses have sex (or something like it) during their courtship.
and most of them never go to the elders about it.
recent case in point: my dear friend got married this past summer.
"This just can't last much longer...."
by BrendaCloutier ini went over and visited my parents today.
my mom broke her hip while we were in hawaii, and i've been mostly house/bed ridden myself since we got home.
so i finally got over there today.. we talked a little about the hurricane, which was on the news she turned off.
Your scariest or funniest 'out in service' stories!
by out of the box inhere goes my stories: .
she looked up at all those stairs to the third floor!
she said she would do the first floor.
Whats the dumbest reason youve been counseled?
by avishai inmy friend was counseled for having a bad attitude because he wore white socks w/ his suit.