Gary, that was an incredibly eye opening insight! That answers my question of why my elderly parents, who are not stupid, blind people, keep going to the Hall! It isn't for the Sunday talk, or the bookstudy, it's to visit with their friends, lifelong ones, who are good people and dear to them. They daydream through the bla-bla-bla drone of the talk, and then have a nice time socializing!
JoinedPosts by Virgogirl
How much time does the WTBT$$ have left?
by TallTexan inobviously, there is no answer to this, i just think it's an interesting ??.
my personal opinion is that within 10 years, the wts will be a shell of it's current (and especially former) self.
it may not even take that long.
My conversation with an elder
by Dune inwell this happened to me a few weeks ago, but i chose to post it later because i'm paranoid.
anyway, i was riding in field service with an elder and our conversation turned to apostasy.
well, he turned it to apostasy because he usually dominates 99% of the conversations we have.but i digress, this is how our conversation went.
StillAwitness, lots of us graduating high school in the 70's weren't allowed to go to college, even tho we had scholarships. I was in 10th grade in 1975 and no amount of pleading from my teachers would change my parents minds, because it was more important to preach in the last hours before Armageddon struck. My Grandfather handed my Father a check for 15k to pay my way through college and my Father handed it back to him. He never asked ME what I wanted to do. Many in the Hall sold their homes and bought trailers so they could full time pioneer, after all, it was just for a few months and then the end would be here! So! Here we all are, and some of us are angry that this happened to us, but to make it worse, they are doing it again, to the next generation of college age people. Aviod higher education, preach, preach, preach, the end is coming any second, bla-bla! Every time I think about that check, it riles me up, because I wound up struggling to pay my own way later.
What a handsome guy! We always keep a bowl filled for the strays that come by.
Beards are evil, but do you know why?
by free2beme inas a witness, i knew several men who attempted to grow beards.
when they did, and attended meetings, it did not take long to be talked to by elders and told, "as spiritual men, they should not display an outward form of rebellion.
" why was this a form of rebellion?
My dad grew a neatly trimmed goatee while on a 3 week vacation. They told him to get rid of it or lose his privelages. He kept us home from meetings for about a month, which I loved, then caved in to them. They never proved why wearing a beard was unscriptural, just guilt tripped him about how he was stumbling others and displaying a bad attitude. He looked so handsome with it!
2006 Male & Female Police Officers Calendar.........A MUST See!!!
by Frannie Banannie in.
yall've gotta see this one....they're all nude!!!.
Dang it!
Do You Appreciate Getting Insider JW Information???
by minimus ini do.
i'd like to tell all of you active jw spies that i appreciate it when you tell us the latest.
My elderly parents are still in, a huge worry to me. I find it helpful knowing what's going on and what they're listening to or being told to do.
Re: Circuit Assy this weekend
by feelinsketchy inlike rr, i also had assembly this weekend at the newburgh, ny assembly hall on, get this, unity place.. no lie that is the name of the street.. my friends call it lockstep pl.
what happened to love as the identifying mark of the org?.
anyway the circuit sergeant pointed out that hours are down.
Circuit Seargent, hahaha! "HUP-two-three-four, do more, do more, do more!
A thing that bothers me about JW and Christmas
by zagor inis that they dont celebrate it but are quite happy to accept gifts or money given by many companies at the end of a year as christmas gift.
in fact, ive heard all sorts of excuses ranging from well thats our money that weve earned over the year anyway to well we shouldnt really offend anyone
it looks like as long as you are receiving money or gifts its okay.
Our elder at work is a mail carrier and receives cards and gifts from his route for Xmas. He brags about the gifts and cash inside the cards and definitely does not return anything!
Pets on Christmas day
by greendawn inwith so much food around do your pets get extra portions of nice meat on christmas day?
they also need to celebrate and have a good time!
Our dog got to unwrap a chew bone in gift wrap, lotsa fun! The cats had some turkey with us and we all took naps. The cats played in the wrapping paper and bows.
Merry Christmas / Much Love to You All
by prophecor init's been a real joy to be around all of you this year.
i've gotten to know so many of you, personally and wish you all a happy holiday and a most enjoyable new year.
thanks to brenda cloutier & merry magdelene for the cards sent.
I hope wonderful things come everyone's way in the new year. And if you don't celebrate the holidays, may you have wonderful days off from work!