That was very nicely done, Bryan! Thank you for showing us! Nice house and spacious yard! Wishing your family much happiness there.
JoinedPosts by Virgogirl
We just bought a house in........
by Bryan inlafayette!
it's not exactly a metropolitan hub of excitement, but it is a quaint place.
we bought a house in a little subdivision with one street in/out.
What will be the next big 'new light'?
by yaddayadda init's been a while since the watchtower overlords made any serious doctrinal changes.
wts 'new light' seems to be somewhat cyclical, around every ten years or so.
it's been just over 10 years since the 1995 'this generation' change.
The King of the North is.......the World Wide Web!
by stillAwitness inthe "freeloader" pioneer sister who lives with us asked me this morning if she could "look" up something real quick on my laptop.
i was not prepared for this and quickly told her the system was down and i would let her use it later.
how do i get rid of all the recent sites box that you can scroll down to.
How does the old
batsister know how to use the computer, anyways? Aren't they supposed to stay off those portals of Satan? -
Do you kiss your dog?
by AK - Jeff in.
and is it just a peck or a nice wet one on the nose?.
jeff [of the i am bored tonight class]
No, he is stinky and needs a bath, but I do kiss my cats!
Just curious, How many Awakes do you read to get a college level education?
by PaNiCAtTaCk inmaybe pmj or another active witnesses can explain?
or do they still teach this?
"These journals help you to keep up with world events...." Well, so do Time Magazine and Newsweek, but I have a newsflash for "Awake" Magazine: You have been replaced by the (gasp) internet! Yes, nobody needs to wait a month for your new issue to find out what's going on in the world, we can log on to Yahoo or any home page and have it all at our fingertips, minutes after it happens, complete with photos! So, this artificially created need to read your latest "Awake" is a thing of the past. Oh, and did I mention... no need to spend years getting that college education by reading fluffy magazines. Now we attend college online and can get a real degree in a short time!
Wow, did it feel good.......................
by BLISSISIGNORANCE be standing on the other side of the door on a saturday morning.. it happened today.
i had gone to the markets early and when i got home i wandered across the road to my neighbour's house to have my hair coloured.
she's a frustrated hairdresser and a friend.. as usual we chatted as she prepares the colour.
Brother Pomp-ass:" Did ya see her, fellowshipping in the home of a worldling woman?"
Sister Pomp-ass:" Yes, placing importance on outward appearance rather than placing magazines! ......How'd you like her hair?"
Brother Pomp-ass:" She looked HOT! WHy don't you do something like that too?"
Sister Pomp-ass:" Well, if you think it would be pleasing to Jehoopla, I'll ask the elders if I can!"
Visiting the Biltmore House in Asheville NC
by SWALKER injust thought i'd put up the link for this beautiful place that i am visiting today:.
it's been a while since i've been...i used to take out of town visitors there quite often!
I have family in Asheville. I visited them many years ago and they had a view of the Mansion from their house. I think Asheville is one of the most beautiful cities in the US, and Biltmore is an awesome place. Of course, now that the relatives are ignoring me, I guess I wouldn't have much reason to go back, unless it's to check out all those emerald and gem mines nearby that I saw on the travel channel!
A Room with a View
by Lady Lee inyou just never know what you might wake up to.. .
i can usually see the skating rink in the park below my window.. i can usually see the river between those trees in the background.
i can usually see the mountains beyond that.. as you can see, i can't see any of those things today.
Lady Lee, I'll bet it's beautiful when that fog of snow lifts off the mountains and the sun comes out! In the meantime...what the heck! Curl up under the afghan, and take a nap! Can't do much else, so no guilt!
This post is number 1975, nearly as exciting as the year
by willyloman ini just realized that my last post was number 1974 and i felt compelled to make number 1975 significant enough to deserve being named after that "marked" year.
however, i can't come up with anything.
i could tell you armageddon will come during this post but you'd be skeptical, i'm sure.
Hurry, sell your house and pioneer, while there is still time before post 1976! Hahaha!
by Mary infor those of you not "keeping up with the organization"botchtower deals soley with all the bullshit instances of "increased light" on this joke of a religion god's organization.
it asks many drone-like thought-provoking questions as i've listed below.
incredible that these guys claim to be the sole ownership of what is absolute "truth", yet change doctrines like i change lipsticks.
Rejoice, Jehoopla's power plant has increases it's wattage, and soon we shall see really, really bright new light! See your magazine servant at once to order your approved sun glasses!