When he lived, he preached using the latest methodology available in his time.
Really? What latest methodology was that?
at a local meeting, one of the elders said that if jesus were on the earth today 'you can be sure' he would be preaching by showing videos on a tablet.. i kid you not.. i wonder what videos he'd be playing?.
obviously this was the elder's own pet theory.
wasn't it?.
When he lived, he preached using the latest methodology available in his time.
Really? What latest methodology was that?
to really understand the jehovah's witnesses policy on blood, you have to understand the fundamental mistake watchtower leaders made when the policy was first developed..
Thanks for the info. It looks like Freddie Franz was looking for anything he could find that would equate in his mind transfusing blood with eating it. It's not at all unusual for him and other WTS "researchers" to look for support for a notion they already have concluded before they began their "research." That is still the org's mentality. "We have the truth. Let's find anything we can to support it."
this is the message that was posted on the jw inbox announcements tab.
i have copy pasted it as it was.
if anyone from india has any information related to this, please do share.. regards.. urgent: child trafficking accusations.
So then in normal parlance it's an extended family under one roof?
this is the message that was posted on the jw inbox announcements tab.
i have copy pasted it as it was.
if anyone from india has any information related to this, please do share.. regards.. urgent: child trafficking accusations.
Excuse my ignorance but what are "joint families"?
australians deadlest animals.
Excellent. Already forwarded the link on to others. The prez of the NRA should get a copy.
this is the message that was posted on the jw inbox announcements tab.
i have copy pasted it as it was.
if anyone from india has any information related to this, please do share.. regards.. urgent: child trafficking accusations.
MP's post on the topic 3 months ago.
blankspace's reply is worth noting. Of course, it can't be confirmed but sounds genuine. The poor girl in the final experience is a real tragic case.
Might MP's post above be the org's reaction to the worldwide crackdown on child sexual abuse that is beginning to filter even into places where it still goes on heavily like India?
In the words "The branch office is aware of this situation and will be happy to help
you respond if you are approached about this matter by local authorities
such as the police," surely the branch office being "aware of this situation" has more meaning that meets the eye. They are aware of the real history of the problem there in India as elsewhere and are scrambling to prepare for a potential exposé and consequent loss of public respect.
pretty neat story..
Thanks for the post and update.
For non-COs (exempt by position) I would think a publisher would be told this would be a poor choice for field service since it only seats one person. I remember brothers being so counseled because they had a 2-seater pick up truck or sports car: "How can you be thinking theocratically, brother, having a vehicle like that?" It was like having low field service hours. "Brother, you won't qualify for privileges."
If this helps, here's the direct youtube URL so you can cut and paste. It doesn't seem to be anything more than the normal pitch for volunteers.
leaked: whq accounts: 2016-2020 budget [part 1 of 5]
leaked: whq accounts: 2016-2020 budget [part 2 of 5]
leaked: whq accounts: 2016-2020 budget [part 3 of 5]
SBF, "if the economy in general gets worse." One has to wonder if any of the blunderous moves by Trump might lead to an economic decline—or worse. Then the GB might have to finally dip into their large gold reserves, you know, those ingots they've been keeping stashed away that are stamped with "keep until necessary for proving SBF incorrect"!